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A Pacman with dodgy data


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I managed to get *some* data on this, 90 min each in HII and [NII] plus 120min in [OIII] in 10 min subs with the Photoline Triplet reduced to 683mm and 3nm Astrodons. All the subs were affected by bad LP and some thin high cloud. In addition the [OIII] was captured with the skirts of Ophelia whipping clouds through, fortunately they didn't hang around too much but there were significant gradients. Pallette is NHO as is usual for me.


Stacked in AA5 with Sigma Add, three iterations of gradient reduction on each stack then RGB synthesis. Crop to remove some alignment artifacts in the [OIII] channel then another gradient reduction. DDP followed by colour balance and another gradient reduction followed by two rounds of histogram stretch with colour balance in between.

This is hard work, made worse by not having enough data, but looking at the forecast for the next week or so I don't know when I'll get more so I'm posting anyway.

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Oh, and the background's a bit blotchy with purple areas, and some purple stars. Unfortunately I can't get rid of either in AstroArt, I've tried multiple gradient reduction passes, white balance and the colour balance tools to no avail.. Maybe there're tools in Pixinsight that could do the job. Anyone know?

Need more data, but when am I going to get it?

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