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Hello from Cambridge


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Hi all,

I'm new to this forum but I'm not new to astronomy - I was always interested as a kid, I properly got into observing about five years ago and I've been hooked ever since.

I live in Buckinghamshire but I study here in Cambridge (it's the holidays but I'm still here for a summer project). I do lots of my observing here, normally with the 12-inch Northumberland refractor (http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/about/northumberland.telescope - it's got a lot of history). The observatory is far enough from the centre of town that the naked eye limiting magnitude is often better than 6 in the early morning when everyone's turned off their lights.

I help run observing nights for the university astronomical society; as well as the 12-inch refractor we use a historical 8-inch refractor and an 8-inch SCT. Members of the society can pass a test which allows them to use the historical scopes whenever they want.

At home I have an 8-inch dob, but I don't seem to get many chances to use it because whenever I'm home either it's cloudy or the moon is full...

Looking forward to interacting with everyone!


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1 hour ago, ronin said:

Do you mean 8" SCT ?

Thought the IoA scopes were the 12" Northumberland, 8" Throogood and the 16" ODK.

Are you a member of CUAS ?

I'm one of the CUAS observation secretaries. We do have an 8" SCT - it's a Meade LX200 and it's kept in the Northumberland dome. We use it on our observing nights along with the Northumberland and Thorrowgood; I don't think anyone else uses it. The 16" is also on the site but we're not allowed to use it.

What's your connection to the university?

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