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Long term weather outlook


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On this afternoons Radio 4 PM programme a rep from BBC weather said (or something like) ‘From late September for the following 3 months there will be predominately high pressure with clear skies’

Fingers crossed… :? :shock: :)

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According to Radio 4 tonight, there is a plan to have 1500 (over the ext 30 - 40 years) trimaran's[sp] on auto pilot in the worlds sea's and oceans.

The boats are going to be spraying salt water up into the atmosphere. This will have the effect of increasing the world's cloud cover (great!), but also changing the size of the water droplets within the high clouds that cover the majority of the worlds oceans, apparently the smaller the droplet of water the greater the reflective properties...



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We've had a little high pressure over the last week and all that gave us was thick cloud. I'd rather have series of fronts come less frequently with a quick ridge of high pressure between each one (overnight). It's not too much to ask for is it? :?


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Well, I've been watching weather patterns for some years now, as my living has always depended on the weather. My gut feeling for the remainder of this year is that we'll have a fairly blustery autumn, possibly a major gale like in 1987, and lots of showery days, and I think the winter will be wet and mild again.

Hope I'm wrong.


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According to Radio 4 tonight, there is a plan to have 1500 (over the ext 30 - 40 years) trimaran's[sp] on auto pilot in the worlds sea's and oceans.

The boats are going to be spraying salt water up into the atmosphere. This will have the effect of increasing the world's cloud cover (great!), but also changing the size of the water droplets within the high clouds that cover the majority of the worlds oceans, apparently the smaller the droplet of water the greater the reflective properties...

TBH the Beeb don't seem to have reported this accurately (a bit like weather forecasts?) - the abstract of the report on the Royal Society website specifically states that "The method is not intended to make new clouds. It will just make existing clouds whiter."

Apparently, another idea is to send up rockets to spread sulphur in the upper atmosphere (like volcanic eruptions, leading to cooling). Now, I could be wrong here, but I thought huge efforts were made to clean sulphur out of power station emissions because of acid rain damaging forests.... :) Not my field, admittedly, but I wonder whether this geoengineering might be a leap from frying pan to fire?

Don't think I'll hold my breath on any weather projections for three months ahead, but at least I managed two hours outside yesterday evening before normal service resumed :( . Indian summer would be nice, though.


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After very long and careful deliberation and acting on almost 53 years of life experience, I am afraid that I have come to the definitive conclusion that weather forecasting is nothing more than another manifestation of the black arts. And as such should be confined to the dustbin alongside alchemy and Astrology and that its practitioners should at the very least be burned at the stake, as they are quite obviously in league with hell and make their predictions using tea leaves, chicken bones and a wiijee board regards Pete

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