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DIY Dob Equatorial Platform


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I recently came across this website on constructing equatorial platforms for my 10" dobsonian telescope.  


I realise that there is a UK company that has restarted limited production but I wondered if anyone has experience of:

(a) using a similar platform.

(b) making one.

I am intrigued by the concept and challenge of self build and would appreciate any tips.




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I have a poncet-bearing platform bought from & made by @Moonshane - if you ratch back in time thru his posts you should find lots of info on construction.

Use is simple & good for at least 40mins of tracking before having to wind the platform back and re-centre.

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I spent an evening or two looking at this last week or so. There's a yahoo group (eqplatforms) you could take a look at.

I saw the link you posted - he's got a PDF design you can download. Where I reached before I stopped was that his design seemed attractive, ie fairly straightforward to construct - elliptical north sectors mounted straight and vertical, narrow enough to somewhat ignore the square edges, and a simple south pivot. I think the design requirements differ slightly for different latitudes - south sectors are typically used at lower latitudes than us, while inclined bearings or pivot points work ok here. I may be wrong, though.

Looking forward to following how you get on understanding it all - I'm yet to.


About to read Shane's thread...

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Looking at the various types, I'm inclining (no pun intended) towards the poncet design - mainly because the geometry is just about within my grasp, I'm northern latitude and my scope is within its tolerances. Oh and Shane has done it first!  i'm still digesting his posts - it looks as though he encountered a few blind alleys that I can now usefully avoid.

I will start assembling the parts and post as things move on.


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