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Sketch solar 20/1/2017 - whoop


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Nice one Shane! I actually had my first look in Ha for a long time yesterday, and saw a decent sized AR which I guess corresponds to the larger one in your sketches.

Some excellent detail you've caught in there, you've certainly caught the bug now, haven't you? (Apologies, I guess that's a very bad pun based upon your last hobby!! ;) )

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coincidentally, I have just been logging my sketches to see what I have sketched in terms on non-planetary/solar system and in the last two years to 22/12/16 I did only 10 sketches of objects which were not solar or planets/moon. The vast majority, in fact what fills my notebooks, are solar observations as I just seem to get more time at lunchtime at work than anything else. This is one reason my only new year's resolution was to sketch more at night and concentrate on one or two objects per session, and which I'll sketch. I have done seven sketches of new NGCs since 21/12/16 and have every intention of sticking to my resolution as I am starting to get a sense of satisfaction again from night observing that was a bit missing. Binoviewers for lunar also really increase the wow factor.

ps do you still want the diagonal we talked about?

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