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First sol of 2017. 2-1-17 10.35


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No 1.

nice and sunny here thismorrning, don't think the seeings too good with all the water rising from the frost. a very blank disc.

kit ed80, 1.5x barlow, lunt wedge, 1200d in mono and 1:1 crop mode.  75 frames staxed with regi.

hope we get some action soon.  thanks for looking,  clear skys,  charl.


sol 2-1-16 10.35.png


sol 2-1-16 10.35 col.png

coloured invert.

sol 2-1-16 10.35 inv.png

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Nice one Charl,
It is very sunny here at the moment and very cold, but no matter I am a hardened to these tough conditions and I am going to put the scope out and have a nice session, did you see any proms etc ?

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