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Turning the big gun on M42.....


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With my normal 20 minutes of observing time available after watching the last episode of 'The Missing' on catch-up (ever seen a grown man cry? Not 'alf!), my scope of choice was the 65mm 'Light Thimble' that is my TAL Alcor, one of the smallest newts around.

I wondered what it could do on M42, and the results were pretty impressive given the dire seeing. At x88, all four of the Trapezium stars were visible, although the dimmest was only just there. The seeing was all over the place and getting focus was difficult. The TAL's focuser is quite loose i.e. It moves position easily, so it was tricky to get right. Some nice nebulosity showing through too. I wonder if a fairly wide UHC filter would work if under a dark sky?

Given the comparison with say a 60mm binocular, I think it's very impressive.

I had no luck at all with Rigel or Polaris due to the seeing. My notes say that I have manage them before with this scope but not tonight. Castor was a lovely pair of bulls eyes when focused right and the seeing steadied.

Sigma Orionis showed three of the four stars, I couldn't pick up the faint fourth but perhaps with better seeing it might happen.

I'm looking forward to my 2 year old being grown up enough to look at the moon through it.

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4 hours ago, LukeSkywatcher said:

I watched the 1st series of "The Missing". Kept me watching to see what happened in the end.......nothing.

Didnt bother with the second series,

Second series is excellent. Watch it!

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Managed a very quick peek at Jupiter this morning. Despite being in the Garage overnight there were still plenty of tube currents when I first observed. There was a reasonable amount of detail visible, certainly more than just two belts.

Annoyingly I left it to cool and by the time I came out Jupiter had vanished in the brightening sky :(

Better luck next time

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Thanks Paul.

I'm painfully aware that some of my reports are on the trivial side of irrelevant! I guess I have the choice between giving up until the children get older, or carrying on in anyway I can manage, so I choose the latter.

I enjoy getting the most out of small scopes and seeing what they can achieve, it helps hone your observing skills too.

Posting about anything I've done helps keep me motivated, and possibly shows others that you can still get meaningful and enjoyable sessions in a way that fits in with family demands!

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