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In the news: Dr. Edgar Mitchell states aliens exist


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I was driving the other day, as you would, and heard on the BBC2 Radio news that Dr. Edgar Mitchell claims military intelligence have been covering up the fact that aliens do exist, in fact, he stated that aliens do pay regular visit to Earth.

I was quite astounded that Dr Mitchell would make such a brave statement, but considering his age I guess he couldn't care much about the opinion of military intelligence, if else he might wish to leave some food for thought to the public.

As for me, I've never thought that we're all alone in space. There are far too many 'worlds' in spcae, a myriad of worlds in fact that we do not know about because of the vastness in distance that separates ours to theirs.

What do you make of this?

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In all honesty how can this be? our Solar system? no can't see it, our Galaxy? possible but the vast distances necessary would make them far superior to earthlings, and certain countries would have super stunner laser gizmo's that would annielate us all by now. :D

That's a NO NO for me.


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Does anyone have an authentic link to Dr. Mitchell's actual words? I'd like to read them for myself.

I stress the word 'authentic' because I once listened to an (online :D ) secret NASA audio recording of Neil Armstrong describing the aliens that were watching Buzz and himself on the lunar surface. Anyone who knows Neil's voice could tell it was bogus, but I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who thought it was a real tape someone smuggled out of the archives.

Even after reading an authentic account of what Dr. Mitchell said, I'm not going to say one way or the other whether I believe or disbelieve.. it's not because I'm wishy-washy, either. I just don't have enough hard evidence either way to support an opinion on the matter.

I do however, believe things that I've heard IF there's enough hard evidence to back it up. For example, I've never been to England, but I honestly believe that all of you good people are there. :D

Btw, has anyone read "Leap of Faith" by Gordon Cooper, or "The Day After Roswell" by Lieutenant-Colonel Philip J. Corso? Two very thought-provoking books. Again, even after reading them I'm still not going to plant my flag in either camp, but they certainly give you a lot to think about, especially seeing as they were written by people who actually could have had access to the info they convey.

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Thanks Trev, just got done listening to it... very interesting to say the least, and Kudos to Dr. Mitchell for remaining so cool and professional despite the interviewer's high-strung sounding tone (one word of advice to him: decaf :D).

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I have to agree with Kevin. I can think of no other reason why Mitchell would want to hang is flag to this, other than to maintain his own place in the public eye. He is going back 60 years, saying successive governments have kept it all under wraps. What a load of codswallop. Not one shred of concrete proof has emerged, that would make it clear that the earth has had a visit from a being from any of our galaxies planet/s, or any other galactic system. No one could withhold information of that magnitude, it's impossible. I am sure these people believe, but that's all it is, wishful thinking. They may sound very plausible, but they can't prove Diddly Squat. I've borrowed an Americanism to sum it up. There is the high likelihood that life exists elsewhere, we mustn't be so self centred to believe otherwise, but it has not set foot/flipper/tripod on earth.


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They'd have to have pretty speedy spaceships, no?

Maybe they are planning to annihilate humans from the earth for the sake of the planet.

Personally, I dont believe we are alone, but I dont see why life should be limited to the dimensions that are tangible. For instance, if any creature COULD travel faster than the speed of light (the all governing basis of our limited experience) then that'd make them invisible as I understand it. It seems the more we find out about the universe, the more we realise how little we know.

I'm really looking forwards to the experiments to be performed at the LHC, should give us a bit more insight...

As for this guy, isn't he just seeking to focus a little attention on himself or something? Probably has a book due out or something.

Hang on, its sunday......time to go wash the car/cut the lawn/play with kids/walk the dogs/sleep all afternoon.

If those *beeeep* aliens come and disturb my nap there'll be hell to pay!!



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I wonder what Anthem Karen Carpenter and David Bowie could have penned had they had the chance to get together.

I agree wholeheartedly on the beautiful voice she had. Such a sad waste of a great talent.

How on earth no one was able to help that poor girl. She was obviously tormented over something.


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Very sad Ron.

Did you happen to note the image quality of some of the background images? Definitely not up to today's standard it seems. :D


:D Yes, they should re master the disc and use SGL Images only. :D


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Shows how far we've come when simple country amateurs like ourselves can produce works that would have needed professional equipment etc etc.

Even so, if those images were, as I think, captured on FILM, then they're pretty good!! I used to get through rolls and rolls of film during my experiments at school, heaven knows how many people wasted a whole perfect night on under/overexposed shots on film, and then never knew until they paid for the processing. We have it soooooo easy!!


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For me it begs the question why bother spending billions of dollars sending probes such as the Phoenix Probe to mars to look for life,when we are already in, or have been in regular contact with a sentient life form since the 40's/50's ? Or am I missing the point :scratch:

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I would have thought that anything advanced enough to "come here" whether that would mean in a purely physical sense or otherwise, in any case beyond our comprehension, would probably have very little interest in insignificant mites such as us anyhow...?

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