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AR 2599 with quite good seeing


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Looking through the 160 stills for the animation being processed at the moment, some are quite sharp and detailed. Here's the best I've found so far. Normally I like to colour images but this one shows more in B&W.



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Thanks Ray and Linda. Look forward to seeing what you get from this beauty. Yes, that bridge (I didn't know what to call it, looks like a ladder to me!) looks really interesting. Hopefully more will show in the animation I'm just posting. 


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Nicely done Iain, been trying here but very windy and fast moving cloud.

Trying to use the laptop without a sunshade as it keeps blowing away and accidentally ticked the wrong thing in Firecapture and found it was up to 9000 frames when I'd set it to 1000 :grin:


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You inspired my to go home a bit early today and put up the 5"  Mak on photo tripod with Baader filter. I could clearly see several bigger spots on the lower left (amici prism), clearly separated. The ring around the spots was also very crisp.

Higher up I saw a big group of very small spots that were well separated.

This was one of my better solar observing sessions. Obviously the sky is very clear.


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Great level of detail Iain, particularly in the bridge between the spots, as well as penumbral detail. If I can see penumbral filaments or striations in my images (sometimes it looks a bit mottled if the filaments are not well formed) then I know the seeing is above average.


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Thanks again all. Glad you got it Linda! Fingers crossed it's getting bigger and more active. Charles, I know what you mean,  definitely good seeing here, I think this is the most detail I've got out of spots so far even though the image is a little "ragged" and noisy.


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