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Filament Animation, AR Mosaics & More


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These images were taken on the 24th in excellent seeing (at least 4/5). I finally had a chance to process them.

I find the animation of the filament quite interesting. It seems more dynamic than AR2571. The second animation is of the AR itself. The animations comprise 95 frames, taken over 47.5 minutes. Both may take a few seconds to load!

The mosaics are a testimony to the great seeing as well! Please click for best resolution.







Mosaic Square.jpg

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Nice filament / animations. Looks like large aperture here. Very nice.  Lots of work into these as well. 


I am looking at the ES 102 mm apo. Good for a multitude of functions, nice price, focal length/ratio for night time photography, size for mounting req and solar.  

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Thanks everyone. I appreciate the nice comments.

Tyson, it is actually a 127mm ES APO refractor that i used here. I was using the 102mm ES refractor up until about three months ago. It is a fantastic scope for solar imaging. I highly recommend it to everyone. It seems like a large aperture above because in mornings of great seeing I can crop for closeup views without compromising too much on resolution.

Good luck Dave! I need to check the jet-stream map. I am curious to see how it plays out here in Montreal.

Iain, you are right on. I used 30 second videos instead of 1 minute ones, resulting in much smoother movement throughout. Unfortunately, it also results in humongous files because it doubles the number of frames involved.




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3 hours ago, cshahar said:

I used 30 second videos instead of 1 minute ones, resulting in much smoother movement throughout

It certainly makes a big difference, especially in the fine "boiling" detail (I just realised, I don't have the vocabulary to describe it!) . Definitely your best yet. I said that last time, as it was your best yet then, but this is your best yet now, if you see what I mean :hello2:

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