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Still Learning - M81


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It was a crisp and clear night last night, though imaging and guiding not helped by the Full Harvest Moon.Still struggling to get PHD2 guiding to work consistently couldn't get it to calibrate.

Kept getting camera did not complete exposure in 21 secs error messages, tried extending the timeout but still no joy.

I think it might be the light from the moon making the stars too dim -  is this normal.

If not any suggestions.

So gave up trying to guide and just tried to get some shots of M81 unguided.

This is 15 x 2 min lights and 3 x 2 min darks, stacked in DSS.  Taken with my EM5mk2 and Nikon 80-400mm lens attached via adapter.

Its not up to the standards most people post on here but at least its recognisable - just!



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I was having the same camera not completing last night.

I had selectect AUTO for the exposures.

I changed down to 2.5 secs and was good for about an hour.

Didn't get guiding tho' :( - focus and moon glare flooding the skies 

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Hi dave looks good enough from this end  and a great first go with some nice detail  you a better man than me i would not post a  image till i got the guiding working some nights it all works fine ,others its just a pita  but you made the best  out of the night 


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2 minutes ago, iapa said:

I was having the same camera not completing last night.

I had selectect AUTO for the exposures.

I changed down to 2.5 secs and was good for about an hour.

Didn't get guiding tho' :( - focus and moon glare flooding the skies 

Glad it wasn't just me.  I was set at 1.5 sec exposures but the moon glare just washed everything out could not calibrate at all.

I was amazed though how good the stacked images came out I could hardly see any stars in the target area by eye because of the glow.

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