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ZWO EOS adapter (lens release)


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In preparation for the 1600, I ordered an EOS adapter from FLO, which duly arrived. Having attached it to one of my canon lenses, there appeared to be no way of removing it [There are no instructions included]! There is a small silver screw on the side, which seemed to do nothing no matter how hard I pressed it, or even completely removed it. After an afternoon of emails back and forth with Steve, he came up with the answer. This screw is pushed away from the lens (acting like a small lever rather than a button) to release the lens.

Great support from FLO, and am posting in case anyone runs into similar problems - even though, the fact that Steve had apparently not encountered this query from customers before, presumably means this will be of benefit only to those as extraordinarily-mechanically-inept as I am!.


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That got me getting it out and having another look ....

When I look from the back (camera end) of the lens, with the red marker in the 12-o'clock position, there is, at roughly the 11-o'clock position, a small indent on the outermost ring facing me. It appears to be into this that the small protrusion on the adapter that is manipulated by the screw-lever lodged so requiring the application of that screw-lever to release it.

However, there are actually three ways that a lens can be put onto the adapter (120° apart) because it does not have to line up the electronics with the camera, and when I put the lens on in one of the other two positions, it does indeed come off with no need to apply the button. Whilst holding it firmly at the moment, I wonder if, with wear, these would become relatively 'unstable' positions, liable to slippage, in due course? Don't know ... probably not noticeably in a relatively large number of uses ... but I think I shall choose to use the 'locked' option (now I know how to release it) on a 'belt & braces' philosophy.

Either way, I guess it is good to know of the 1/3 possibility of it going on and being locked in place by chance. The last thing I would want, when tired at the end of the evening, would be to find that the equipment wouldn't come apart as it always had before.


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Yes that makes sense because I didn't get a reassuring "click" when the lens went on like you do on the DSLR. I too shall use the screw setting next time. It's lucky I didn't have it that way the first time, never good to be using a hammer and chisel late at night!

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