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Eastern Veil

Stub Mandrel

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You've inspired me Neil. I'm in the middle of trying to capture this right now (midnight) but with an unmodded Nikon D3100 and a maximum of 20 second exposure, I'm not expecting great things... Having said that, I just stacked the first 3 subs to check everything is working, and the veil is already visible, faintly through the noise. Full result tomorrow


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Here is is.  Hope you don't mind me putting it here. It's not worthy of its own post, arguably it should never be allowed to see the light of day,  but having spent 3 hours on it, I'm darn well going to post it somewhere! :grin:

52 X 20sec subs + bias and flats. It was extremely faint in the original final composite in DSS but with some over-the-top processing, at least something comes through.  On a positive note, it shows it's possible to get a sort of result even with such a small amount of data, and I've set the bar low for myself ready for future improvements. :happy11: I really must get the tracking sorted on the old mount, to get to 30 sec exposures at least. Also I realised at the end of the night that the front plate of the scope was completely misted over, so I was making things even more difficult.  

I'll be back...


veil final2.jpg

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