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The Solar Photosphere - 23rd July

David Smith

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Better late than never, I hope! Still getting back on track after laptop failure earlier in the week. Collected a load of data yesterday morning but it was a bit of a grind as I was trying to find my way with different versions of software etc, etc. I was then out for the rest of the day helping my brother and sister in-law move house. So finally got around to processing this morning.

In other news, new toy! Probably explains the cloud this morning, sorry :rolleyes: 


It's the 1.25" version, came up on ABS at a price I couldn't resist. It arrived on Tuesday and I had first light on Wednesday, unfortunately the laptop issue wiped all the data I collected in that session so yesterday was the "official" first light. Initial impressions are positive, visually I struggled to see any more than with the Baader film but for imaging I think this is going to be a good step up. I still need to figure out exactly where in my setup it fits but certainly for white light close-ups this seems to be the way to go (see below).

Back to yesterdays images

For the first time I stacked my white light full disk images in AS!2. Previously had issues getting them to stack but seems to work better in latest version of the software. I may process the same data through Registax 5.1 in a bit, just out of curiosity.



Close-ups were taken with the Lunt wedge / QHY5 / #56 green filter. I do not have a continuum filter (yet :evil62:). Second image is just a crop and slightly different process of the first (same base data).



Ca-K to follow

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2 hours ago, keramos said:

Nice one David, I saw a Lunt Herschel wedge for £75 on ABS... 

Btw which scope are you using for WL?

It's just a Skywatcher Evostar 120 achromatic but works well enough. I was surprised the wedge hadn't already been taken as I didn't see it until almost lunch time. They usually get snapped pretty sharpish.

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Very glad you've got yourself a Wedge Dave, I'm sure you will see the difference particularly when you get some good seeing conditions.

Do you have a UHC filter you could use? That has a narrower bandwidth than just a green so is worth a go.

Great pics anyway ! :) 

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