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July 12th - H Alpha - Large Prominence Development.


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Following on from my earlier post here are some frames of the large prominence up to 9.35 am,  I've put in the original frame taken at local sunrise at 6.03 am for scale.  The images vary due to the conditions (cloud interference) as well as changes due to the prominence itself.  In order, the cropped frames were taken at 6.03, 6.15, 6.57, 8.17, 8.37, 8.59 and 9.35 am. All with Lunt 60 DS and Olympus E-M10 at 500 asa.  Exposures vary from 1/3 to 1/8 sec.  The sky clouded over completely around 9.40 am.


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3 hours ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

Very interesting. The last image looks like it has a surge going off on the right

Thanks Michael. Yes, you're quite right re the surge off to the right.  I don't know how long it lasted as the cloud came along just afterwards.

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2 hours ago, Davey-T said:

Nice set Paul, would have liked to have tried a timelapse today but it's difficult when it's raining cats and dogs.

Dave :clouds2:

That's a shame Dave, I would have liked to have seen one of your timelapses of the event - it would be nice to see it in all its' glory, my single frames taken at long exposures really don't do it justice I'm afraid.  :sad:

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2 hours ago, Owmuchonomy said:

Nice set of images.  There was an awful lot going on this morning. Got some data but need time to process it later.

Many thanks Chris, I'll look forward to seeing the results.

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