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July 9th - H Alpha - Never Say Never !!!!


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Mmm, after posting earlier that it was raining cats and dogs and that I didn't have a cat in hells chance of seeing the sun today (all forecasts I looked at indicated it would rain for the rest of the day also), and yes, you've guessed it!.  Early afternoon I could see where the sun was because of a little brightening, and eager to prolong my run if possible I set up at 2.00 pm.  It was 100% cloud, a strong breeze with frequent flurries of rain when I had to cover the scope up.  For over two hours I snapped a pic whenever I could see the disk through a thinning, around 150 pics and nothing worthwhile.  Then, amazingly at 4.00 pm it thinned more around the sun (still over 80% heavy cloud) until it even looked a little blue.  For a minute or two I had virtually clear sky around he sun.  I managed to get something worthwhile at last.  As I write this it's 100% heavy cloud with rain in the air.  If it can clear on a day like this then there's always hope!!

Some nice prominences on the W limb and lots of detail on the disk with some nice active areas, particularly around the E limb. Single frame with Lunt 60 DS, Olympus E-M10, 4.10 pm, 500 asa on 1/80 sec. The prominence disk and crop are the same frame with different processing.



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2 hours ago, xtreemchaos said:

how am i going to beat you when you keep moving the goalposts :icon_biggrin:, 22 in a row,well done, you be aiming for a month in a row now eh. great shots Paul, nothing here but cloud, hope you get 23 tomorrow.thanks charl.

Many thanks charl.  I'm quite happy to have had such a good run, so anything else is a bonus.  I'm hoping you have a good run so you can keep me up to date on the white light developments.  :icon_biggrin:

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2 hours ago, Davey-T said:

Well done for persevering well worth it for the results.


Thanks Dave, I was pleased to get a decent view of the active areas in the end.  The active area closest to the east limb looks as if it has plenty to offer us.

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46 minutes ago, David Smith said:

Another great set Paul. No chance here under a solid blanket of cloud.

Thanks David.  From what I remember of the weather forecast earlier the S looked better tomorrow, I hope you are blessed with some clear skies.

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Many thanks Michael.  I hope you have clear skies for the rest of the weekend.

42 minutes ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

Glad you managed to get some data after all. Well done and some nice detail captured


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59 minutes ago, Lowjiber said:

Nice work, Paul.

Twenty-two in a row!!!  Now, that's dedication.  Congratulations, and many more.

Thanks for sharing.

Many thanks, that's  very kind of you.  It's now 23 after this morning's (Sunday) session. :icon_biggrin:

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