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QSI 683


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43 minutes ago, Astroboy239 said:

I won't be needed that. I can guide from my main scope and piggyback the camera. Does SGP let you stack and process the images? 

SGP is capture only software - You will need to stack and process in other software

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On 26/06/2016 at 19:09, Astroboy239 said:

That's a unique feature. One thing I liked about them is that they ship their products to my country. The biggest thing for my region us cooling. 





Not unique at all. My Atiks have this possibility but since my highest night time temperatures are about 22C I have never used them. It's a bit of a nervous business pumping water through your electronics and you have a lot of pipes and drag issues to think about. I'm told you can use non electrically conductive liquids as coolants. Something to read up on if you want to try. My cynical take on this is that the manufacturers buy in Peltier coolers which have the water cooling option but they don't really expect you to use them! Has anybody out there actually tried? I've never met anyone who has but someone will have done so. Maybe...


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1 hour ago, souls33k3r said:

IK has just changed the price for QSI683 wsg8 ... Eeeek! i was going to buy one next week (Was waiting for my pay and bonus) ... it is a sad sad day in my life right now :( 

This Quote thing still doesn't work. Not to worry. Please excuse me appearing like this in your personal space!! My two centimes' worth is that the Atiks are fine. I've only ever used one other make of camera  so almost all of my stuff is Atik, as is Tom's. Of course, you may not like what we do!!!


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9 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

Not unique at all. My Atiks have this possibility but since my highest night time temperatures are about 22C I have never used them. It's a bit of a nervous business pumping water through your electronics and you have a lot of pipes and drag issues to think about. I'm told you can use non electrically conductive liquids as coolants. Something to read up on if you want to try. My cynical take on this is that the manufacturers buy in Peltier coolers which have the water cooling option but they don't really expect you to use them! Has anybody out there actually tried? I've never met anyone who has but someone will have done so. Maybe...


The same water cooling tech is used on some high end PCs and is well proven I imagine those suppliers would be a good source for any parts and plumbing.


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1 minute ago, Alien 13 said:

The same water cooling tech is used on some high end PCs and is well proven I imagine those suppliers would be a good source for any parts and plumbing.


I'm sure the bits exist but ... outside, mobile, in the dark (with the 40% reduction in intelligence that comes with being in the dark at midnight...) Let me stress that MY intelligence isn't reduced by 40% at night. Pah! I'm a professional. Mine reduces by TWICE that...

From a low base...


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1 hour ago, souls33k3r said:

IK has just changed the price for QSI683 wsg8 ... Eeeek! i was going to buy one next week (Was waiting for my pay and bonus) ... it is a sad sad day in my life right now :( 

There's a possibility we may be trumped, this could be just what you need!

Best of luck!

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Tried water cooling on my Atik4000 OSC once and all the water came running out the case :eek:

Took it apart and the "O" ring that sealed the water compartment was distorted and trapped out of its groove, looked like it had been like it since it was made, Atik thought a previous owner must have had it apart and kindly sent me a new "O" ring FOC.

Previous owners include a certain O Penrice :grin:


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For the record: I have never, ever helped Mr Penrice disassemble an Atik camera. Never. I did change the USB connector in Mr Woods' QSI-583, though, and it still works. ALso for the record, then.


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On 27/06/2016 at 00:37, Physopto said:

For  the version of maxim  provided to be of any real use you need the Full version not the Maxim le  or whatever it is called now. I had the cut down version and it could not do much. I ended up upgrading to the pro version. This can be bought a fair bit cheaper if bought when buying the QSI ccd camera. But it depends upon what you want or really need. Maxim DL has a steep learning curve, but worth it to me anyway.  The water cooling of the QSI is extra at cost for the cooling block and push fit fittings. But in a hot climate it should do the trick. You just need to shut off the air cooling fans when running on water cooling.




Just out of interest - why do you need to shut off the air cooling fans? Is this specific to these cameras? I have an Atik 4000 that I water cool - it seems fine withe the fans running?



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2 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

Not unique at all. My Atiks have this possibility but since my highest night time temperatures are about 22C I have never used them. It's a bit of a nervous business pumping water through your electronics and you have a lot of pipes and drag issues to think about. I'm told you can use non electrically conductive liquids as coolants. Something to read up on if you want to try. My cynical take on this is that the manufacturers buy in Peltier coolers which have the water cooling option but they don't really expect you to use them! Has anybody out there actually tried? I've never met anyone who has but someone will have done so. Maybe...


Olly - I have water cooled my Atik 4000. Just to see if I could. Mucking about during the day when it couldn't reach -20.

Seemed Ok.

Not that I would try that at night! ;-)



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2 hours ago, Davey-T said:

Tried water cooling on my Atik4000 OSC once and all the water came running out the case :eek:

Took it apart and the "O" ring that sealed the water compartment was distorted and trapped out of its groove, looked like it had been like it since it was made, Atik thought a previous owner must have had it apart and kindly sent me a new "O" ring FOC.

Previous owners include a certain O Penrice :grin:


I can promise you on the lives of my children (don't have any!) that I never opened up the case of that camera and never watercooled it! Honestly my son, would I lie to you??? It woz in wiv the photons, out wiv the Fits. I swear.


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Just now, ollypenrice said:

I can promise you on the lives of my children (don't have any!) that I never opened up the case of that camera and never watercooled it! Honestly my son, would I lie to you??? It woz in wiv the photons, out wiv the Fits. I swear.


We'll blame Alistair then :grin:


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2 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

Not unique at all. My Atiks have this possibility but since my highest night time temperatures are about 22C I have never used them. It's a bit of a nervous business pumping water through your electronics and you have a lot of pipes and drag issues to think about. I'm told you can use non electrically conductive liquids as coolants. Something to read up on if you want to try. My cynical take on this is that the manufacturers buy in Peltier coolers which have the water cooling option but they don't really expect you to use them! Has anybody out there actually tried? I've never met anyone who has but someone will have done so. Maybe...


Olly, there is no problem with water cooling at all. Far too many people have the wrong idea about how to do it and most think it will go horribly wrong. The PC s  I use are water cooled and have been for the last 6 years or so. I have only ever had one leak. That was the header tank on the closed system. But I mount them separately out of the PC. It was a poor quality plastic affair. Changed out and that was that. The QSI has an external high quality aluminium block with glass reinforced plastic push fit connections. Way better than the computer. If you use flexible silicon pipe it stays flexible way below any temperatures we will ever encounter. They are also non perishing at higher temperatures. When fitted to the camera and strapped to the scope , then fed over to the mount and down to a bucket , there is no real measurable drag. All that is required is a 12 volt pond pump. Very small and takes little power. As I said earlier if the water is warming up stick some ice in the bucket. You can easily pump water at zero degrees around the system like that. We don't really need it here in the UK but I bought one to ease the power requirements on the CCD peltier  cooler and electronics. You just need to switch off the air cooling as it will try to warm rather than cool due to the warmer temperatures. One will fight the other. Since the cooling block is entirely external there should be no problems even if you did have a small leak. 



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Just now, ollypenrice said:

Oh yeah, wot a rogue! 'e can't leave an O ring alone. Sees an O ring, got to poke at it wiv a screwdriver.

Erm, 'oos Alistair?


The guy I got it off who said he got it off you or off the bloke who got it off you, a while ago so a bit faded in the memory :)


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2 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

The guy I got it off who said he got it off you or off the bloke who got it off you, a while ago so a bit faded in the memory :)


I got it off a bloke called Steve Chambers. He seems to have a few Atik cameras for sale!!!


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1 minute ago, Davey-T said:

Guess it's cloudy in France, sounds like you've been at the Chateau Penrice :grin:


Cloudy my son? Cloudy? We don't do clouds 'ere. Only when the guests insist, as wiv tonight. I said, 'Fancy another clear night?' and they all said, 'Nah, let's 'ave a thunderstorm.'


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8 hours ago, perfrej said:

That's "brexit" for you... Expect more misery in terms of pricing of foreign goods ahead.



Perfrej,  I was trying to avoid any political references here but that's exactly what I meant. It's such a bummer :( Even with the exchange rate,  it's still £600 cheaper to buy it from US. Guess I'll have to plan a trip to the US then. 

7 hours ago, whipdry said:

There's a possibility we may be trumped, this could be just what you need!

Best of luck!

Whipdry,  not sure what you mean mate. *scratches head*

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