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Hello Folks,

Another genius question from the noob :)

After I set up at night, find Polaris, then lock the RA and DEC knobs I need to leave the tripod in place with the EQ mount itself pointing North correct? Basically wanting to know if once I'm pointing North I unlock the RA and DEC knobs to move the scope tube itself to lock on planets, the moon, etc? Being in Alabama my latitude adjustment knob stays locked at 30.

A buddy of mine picks his entire rig up, tripod and all, every time he wants to look at a different object. He uses an EQ mount as well.

Thanks in advance.  You guys have been a TREMENDOUS help in my learning this newfound hobby. 



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Yes you unlock the clutches, rotate the scope to point at the object and retighten the clutches. Picking up the tripod and moving it is madness unless you have to move the telescope to see past a tree or some other object that is blocking your view. The following video demonstrates use of an eq mount: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7HVDKAZ6eM

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If your mount has a polar scope, this should always point to Polaris.

You point the whole tripod/mount north, then use the Altitude and Azimuth knobs to fine align to Polaris. Once you have done this, you should never move the tripod or Alt/Az adjustments. You point the scope to an object by releasing the dec and ra clutches. After you have an object in your eyepiece, you only have to fine adjust RA to follow it during observation.

If you want to view another object, only use the Dec and RA knobs and clutches.

Of course, when you are done observing you may have to pack the whole setup away, but if you have the opportunity, only park the scope until next session.

Parking the scope is making it point north to Polaris while the counterweight bar points due north but to the ground. Next time you use it, you don't have to realign the polar scope to Polaris, and everything is set for observation.


Hope this helps

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14 hours ago, cpittman35 said:

Hello Folks,

Another genius question from the noob :)

After I set up at night, find Polaris, then lock the RA and DEC knobs I need to leave the tripod in place with the EQ mount itself pointing North correct? Basically wanting to know if once I'm pointing North I unlock the RA and DEC knobs to move the scope tube itself to lock on planets, the moon, etc? Being in Alabama my latitude adjustment knob stays locked at 30.

A buddy of mine picks his entire rig up, tripod and all, every time he wants to look at a different object. He uses an EQ mount as well.

Thanks in advance.  You guys have been a TREMENDOUS help in my learning this newfound hobby. 



You are doing it right. 

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Thank y'all very much for the assistance. I hate asking so many questions but the astronomy bug has hit me and I want to maximize my beginner scope to the best of its abilities by learning to use it properly :) 

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