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Jaffa / H-Alpha Sun 3rd June


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Fifth day of imaging in succession! (Wish I'd started earlier)


Hardly animation, but might try for a little slide show? :D
Trouble is, I tend to rotate the setup slightly day to day...

But set me on a random Google search, wherein I made a
few nerdy interesting discoveries about solar coordinates!


I might still be able to get a v.rough E-W direction from
the albeit small DRIFT to get rid of Newton's Rings???? ;)
(Or maybe simply guess from the images)


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Hmmm... Looks like I will be joining the rest of you today.
Clouds are pretty much "Eight Okta" at the moment! :p

So, just playing about a bit! If I'm understanding things correctly,
the Solar equator is almost "Zero degrees" (face on) at the moment
and 15 degrees to the horizontal. The Stonyhurst Disk (qv!) is thus:

The general direction of surface DRIFT looks about right though?
(Quite happy to be proved wrong... Any Ideas Welcome) :)

I GUESS all you need for this is a week of wall-to-wall sunshine...
And preferably don't mess with the rotation of the scope/cam! :D

(Below is single non-animated frame)


Sunny Skies etc. :)

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