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Tricky Mars 17.50.2016

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As if Mars isn't a difficult enough target in good conditions, with no conifers blocking the view. Last nights(morning) session dragged on to 2:30am, due to cloud, conifers, trees. The overall seeing wasn't to bad to be honest, just the altitude and obstructions.

C9.25/ASI120mm, 150 seconds per channel. I might give it go de-rotating, but it did look like it didn't need it. Pleased to get a reasonable image considering the problems, only 3 imaging runs in over 2 hours!


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I think there has been good seeing recently Pete. It certainly looks that way from your shot. I was expecting something other than what popped up.  Should have done 5 mins a channel using winjupos. would likely have been better still. Regardless you have done well. its a good capture Pete well done. Nice one

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5 minutes ago, David Smith said:

That's a cracking Mars pic Pete. I was surprised how good the seeing was visually last night during my hours visit with Jupiter.

That was why I stuck at it, between the clouds and trees the seeing was reasonable.

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3 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

I think there has been good seeing recently Pete. It certainly looks that way from your shot. I was expecting something other than what popped up.  Should have done 5 mins a channel using winjupos. would likely have been better still. Regardless you have done well. its a good capture Pete well done. Nice one

Thanks Neil, I will try and get at least one more go before opposition. I will try 5 minutes next time.

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