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Is this mirror too dirty?

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Is this mirror needing to be cleaned in your opinion?  Is there a benchmark or test for determining whether to clean? I'm hesitant to clean them too often for fear of scratching the coating.



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Yes it's dirty, just like mine. My windows and specs aren't spotless either but I can see fine through them. I can't remember when I last washed my mirrors, which is maybe a sign that I should start thinking about washing them again.

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I learned the lesson the hard way. I purchased a used ETX90 in excellent condition and with great optics - from the mid 1990s. It's the original RA version. The mirrors were bright and relatively clean, but the primary had a small smudge on it. So, not heading advice, I had to clean it.

Well, I cleaned it ok, right down to the bare glass.


You'll notice a dark area at about 10 O'Clock near the edge of the mirror. Looks a bit like Cuba. It's about 18mm x 6mm. How it happened, I don't know, but I'd much rather have the smudge.

It actually has no effect whatsoever on image quality, so I leave it as is. The rest of the mirror is still in excellent condition.

All the best.



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