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The Sun in White Light 19th Apr 2016

David Smith

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Quick grab on my lunch break. Pretty awful seeing and some passing clouds but better than nowt :biggrin: Had to get the lappy out and use EOS Utils Live View to focus, due in part to the relatively small spots and partly to bad seeing. Forecast looks good for another one tomorrow but suspect the disk will be looking a bit bare.




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Thanks guys. I was lucky to be able to get home for a bit around lunch.

4 minutes ago, Owmuchonomy said:

I can fully empathise with the focussing issue.  Tomorrow here, there is a Solar disk pass of the ISS so I'm hoping to try and nab that.  I am in the 6km wide 'window of opportunity'.

Good luck with that, hope you get a good clear shot.

2 minutes ago, xtreemchaos said:

thats what it looks like. :icon_biggrin:.great shots Dave, nothing but cloud here but tomorrow looks good for nearly everywhere.thanks charl.

Thanks Charl, hopefully your clouds will depart soon.

Just now, Davey-T said:

Just done a few parting shots of AR2529 between the clouds, seeing really bad here.


Look forward to that. I managed to grab some Ca-K so hoping to have a full disk to show for that later, although with the seeing the way it was I am not holding my breath!

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3 minutes ago, PBS said:

Nice to see the AR still hanging on in there.. I hope something else turns up in the next few days ... out of interest how does the size of the two small spots compare to Mercury I'm still trying to work out what to do for the transit...



According to S@N Mercury's shadow will appear at just 12" across or 1/150th the apparent diameter of the Sun.  Mercury will move its own diameter every 3 minutes.

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Nice capture Dave, be sad to see the giant spot hiding round the corner...

19 minutes ago, Owmuchonomy said:

I can fully empathise with the focussing issue.  Tomorrow here, there is a Solar disk pass of the ISS so I'm hoping to try and nab that.  I am in the 6km wide 'window of opportunity'.

Whats this now... do you have a map to show where the window is....? and what time the transit is.. I wont ask how many seconds it lasts..



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Just now, Fozzie said:

Nice capture Dave, be sad to see the giant spot hiding round the corner...

Whats this now... do you have a map to show where the window is....? and what time the transit is.. I wont ask how many seconds it lasts..



I do. At my location it is 15:53:27 and lasts for 0.4 seconds!


Screen Shot 2016-04-16 at 13.14.54.png

Screen Shot 2016-04-16 at 13.09.38.png

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9 minutes ago, Owmuchonomy said:

According to S@N Mercury's shadow will appear at just 12" across or 1/150th the apparent diameter of the Sun.  Mercury will move its own diameter every 3 minutes.


5 minutes ago, David Smith said:

I saw the transit of Venus in 2004, based on that I am expecting Mercury to be similar in size to the small spot in the upper left quadrant of this image, maybe a little larger.

Thanks both... If that's the case then the plan should work "weather" permitting...



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5 minutes ago, Owmuchonomy said:

I do. At my location it is 15:53:27 and lasts for 0.4 seconds!


Screen Shot 2016-04-16 at 13.14.54.png

Screen Shot 2016-04-16 at 13.09.38.png

Oooo im buzzing around York tomorrow too... but it's probably a bit too far north for a little 0.4 second detour..

I wish you the best of luck in catching it Chris, would like to see that tomorrow afternoon..

Nice part of the world within that 6km window you have also..



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