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Moving a Celestron cpc925


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I am having increasing difficulty getting my CPC 925 from the house to outside my patio doors due to increasing age and ill health.


I have rigged an overhead pulley system and I can take the weight on that quite easily, but the telescope does not appear to be designed for easy slinging.


Would it be safe to suspend it from webbing straps wound round the upper parts of both Alt/Az arms and just below the pivot point for the telescope tube?


I am concerned that that might put the arms into compression inwards and do some damage, or alternatively some damage to the pivot system.


I would ideally like to get it suspended as near vertical as possible so that I can drop it onto the tripod from the pulley system.





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Hello Jack,

I think I may have read in the past of people doing this, but like you I would be somewhat wary in case of possible damage,perhaps an email to celestron customer services would help clarify.

Another possibility is to trade in the CPC for something like a celestron edge8 on an AVX mount, then you only have the weight of the OTA to consider.

I have a meade lx90 12 which I have to pick up and move only about 10ft to the patio but that's about as far as I want to carry it and I'm 44 and in pretty good shape! So I know at some point in the future I will have to rethink my kit.

Hope you get it sorted.

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4 hours ago, Peter Drew said:

Could you not construct a wheeled platform to place the whole setup on and wheel it outside when necessary?. The tripod would not need to be fully splayed in the interests of clearance.

Yes, I have already done so and it works well. I still need to move it down 2 steps and it is this part I am trying to make easier. The horlzontal  distance required is very short and the wheeled trolley will be used at both ends.



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