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Hello from Lancashire!


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What a fantastic welcome from a great bunch of people, thank you. Plus a special hello to all the folks from the Burnley area :-)

Well, I've finally managed it - I've been able to get the scope outside this evening. Although it's quite cloudy in patches, I saw a few bright "bits and bobs" poking through and thought I'd go for it.

Not having had time previously to align the finder I just aimed at the brightest object I could see to roughly align the scopes, then I focussed..... It was Jupiter, and not wanting to sound dramatic, I was blown away!

 I didn't have long but in the twenty minutes or so I spent looking at Jupiter I was thoroughly amazed by the moons and cloud belts! I know it's probably classed as a normal run-of-the-mill thing to look at by more experienced types, but had the cloud not been the way it was, and that fact I need to be up very early for work, I'm sure I could have stood there for hours just watching. 

Anyway, enough waffle from me. Thanks again for the welcome, and I wish you all dark skies :-) 



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On 07/02/2016 at 22:29, HowardHopkinson said:

Hi Paul and welcome to SGL.

I'm a Lancashire lad too, I live in Padiham, so not too far from you mate. I also have the Skywatcher 200P and an EQ5 mount. It's a great scope and I have managed to see some wonderful sights with it as well as take some nice photos with it. I recently upgraded the EQ5 by means of a Synscan upgrade kit and would recommend it, particularly if you intend to do any astrophotography and even if you don't, it makes viewing visually a lot more relaxed and satisfying.

Hi there Howard, i am a tad late on this thread but i also live in Padiham, no telescope at the moment due to finances and no where to use it in my house (no garden, light polution) working on an idea for the attic though, just a simple set of bino's.

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On 07/02/2016 at 19:09, Nogan said:

Just thought I'd say hello and make it official after a few weeks of loitering on here, reading posts and getting tips and advice.

I'd class myself as a total newbie to astronomy, my last dip into the hobby being over twenty years ago as a young lad who spent many a freezing evening in a back yard in Burnley with a small (3 inch I think) refractor bought from Argos. Although I lost interest in the telescope after a year or so, I always maintained a keen interest in all things science and space related. 

Spring forward to one night a few months ago, looking up at the sky one dark night away from home and seeing a sky darker than I'd ever seen before, I got the urge to explore it once again. Cue weeks of reading reviews and forums like this, I took the plunge, and I'm now the happy (but slightly befuddled) owner of a Sky-Watcher 200p on an EQ5 mount.

Now I'm just waiting for a clear night to use it







Hello Paul and yet another hello from another burnley lad, there are quite a few of us. I hail from ightonhill area. To be honest I think its time we had ourselves a star party one weekend.  Anyway, jupiter is always a great starter target object, soon have you onto other stuff i am sure. 

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