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NGC 1514 Crystal Ball nebula


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Gathered a few frames of this nebula a couple of years ago. Not enough to really get to grips with, they have just sat there. Having a clear out, so here is the best I could make of what little there was.

I don't recall the exact scope or camera, but suspect it was a C11 edge at f10 with Atik 428, using Ha and Oiii filters. I think there was about 5 subs for each filter.

Nice object visually, (if you can find it!), the Crystal Ball nebula is scientifically fascinating. Tightly bound double star at the centre with a 10 day period, NASA's WISE infra red telescope imaged a remarkable feature around the nebula unseen in any other wavelength. Having read this article since, I think I will be going back to this one at f7, binned 4x4, and one or two hour exposures, just to see if any of that extraordinary outer ring can be picked up. Based on previous results with M57, I wold hope to get at least something.

Thanks for looking.

Article from NASA here: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/WISE/news/wise20101117.html



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13 hours ago, Sp@ce_d said:

This season has just been a non starter hasn't it but how many people have images like this squirrelled away for a "rainy" day!!


Hmm, I could probably post a different unposted image each week just from what is sitting on my hard drive.  Aside from using other's scopes, I personally spend a lot of clear sky time experimenting, tracking faint galaxies, gauging the normally unseen extent of nebulosity, pushing the limits of resolution with barlows etc etc, and especially just observing faint comets as they move through star fields, can only do it with a camera.

However, I have now mounted my own telescope and camera (150 Esprit and Atik 11000) and am determined to get at least one full winters image to be pleased with!

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