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Observatory Planning/Build - Seeking my 6 year old's planning permission!


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Back in 2011, I spent about 6 months rebuilding the whole garden to make it more child friendly and maintenance free. The last part of the build in December, was a nice 7x5 ft play house for my daughter, then just turned 2 years old. Mid January 2012, I visited Sunderland Astro's Stargazing live event, and re-ignited my interest in astronomy that had been dormant for many years due to other hobbies. The following month I bought a S/W 200PDS on an NEQ6 Pro mount, and I was off on the slippery slope of astro-photography. If I'd got back into astronomy 6 months earlier, there's a good chance there wouldn't have been a play house, but an observatory instead!

The play house and patio. I currently set up on the patio in front of the play house door.


Having spent quite a bit on the play house, I wasn't going to scrap it and replace it with another shed, and because of the design, and needing to stay a play house, it wasn't convertible either. So, since then, I've set up on the patio, and when deep sky imaging, set the laptop up inside the play house with the cables through a gap in the door. 

It wasn't until November 2015 that I began to look at the small space to the left of the play house ( South side ). It wasn't a huge space, but could it be used for an observatory? Over Christmas, I got the camera and tape measure out, and started doodling ideas. There was space to the right of the play house ( North side ), and that would allow me to move it North by 12 inches. If I also pulled it forwards 7 inches, it would give me a space to the South that was 66 inches x 60 inches, narrowing to 48 inches to fit around the metal fence.

If I could build on the side of the play house, I'd have a perfect warm room already made, and I'd then only need three walls and a roof. The challenge was what to do with the roof that would also maximise the view of the sky. My house is to the South of the garden, blocking views below 25 degrees over the main roof, and 20 degrees over the extension. This isn't much of a worry, as that is where the worst of the light pollution glow is. East over the patio is clear down to about 7 degrees. West has the garden fence, but still a reasonable view. To the North, there's a bright orange street light, so the play house will block the glare from this lamp. However, I would still have a North view above 41 degrees, and can still see Polaris for polar alignment.

South View


Wifey was quite happy for the build to go ahead, so long as it was painted to match the play house, but would my 6 year old daughter approve?

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Thankfully, my daughter has an interest in astronomy, and gave the thumbs up to the extension on her house!


So, design time! A friend suggested folding the roof back on top of the play house, but that would restrict NE-N-NW views even further. Sliding towards the wooden fence would block west views, and same goes for East over the patio. However, if I angled the roof runners down towards the metal railings, the roof could slide off South and down towards my workshop end wall, with this wall supporting the runners. That would reduce timber requirements even further. There wasn't enough room however for the full length of the roof, so the roof would be split in two, with the upper half folding back on the lower part, before sliding back over the fence and path around the back of the workshop.

Here's an impression of the observatory all buttoned up, showing the top 8 inches off wall which will roll off with the roof. The roof hinge line and hinge brackets can also be seen. The odd little space at the back corner of the observatory can store the tripod and 8 inch scope if I'm using the 80ED for deep space. 


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I can't wait to see the end design :) great project ... but will the obsy also have pretty blue curtains like the play house ? I hope it does !

My duaghter is also 6... what a joy when she started to enjoy astro like her daddy. Nothing beats that :)

Edited by Vox45
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The roof will of course have to be bolted up tight when not in use, so to get in and unfasten it, I'll need a small door in the front. I am planning on almost all of the front ( East ) opening too, to allow me to get to the scope for planetary imaging when I need to turn the manual filter wheel and change barlows etc, and also for maintenance.


Once inside, I can unbolt the roof locks, and partially slide the roof down until I can stand up. I can then fold the roof over on itself, and slide it all the way open.


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The small door will shut again for deep sky imaging, to give more protection from the wind.


For planetary imaging and maintenance, the whole front will open up, and I may well fit a fold out table for the laptop and accessories on the inside. The pier will actually be a bit taller than it appears in these images, with the 200PDS just having enough clearance for the roof to slide over it. This will mean it has a better view over the walls than it looks.


I've already worked out some clever seals for the roof joints and the tracking for the roof, and I've ordered some small parts, but the major building work won't start until the Spring. In the mean time, there's things like the pier levelling plates and mount adapter etc., to tinker with. 

Edited by ArmyAirForce
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This section is the general plan for the roof rollers. By running in a U channel on its side, the roof is trapped and can't be lifted off when open or closed. I will cut two small gaps in the top of the channel, when the roof is about 12 inches open. This will allow rollers on the higher part of the roof to hinge upwards out of the channel, so the roof can fold back on itself. It will only be able to do this in one position in its travel. The rest of the time, the rollers will be trapped.


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Looking back through some old pictures of the garden build, I found a picture of the corner where the pier will be. The heavy clay soil area was a rockery, and has been in place since late 1999 when we first got the house and did the garden first time around. The green line around the wall shows the current hardcore height, with two inches of sand and patio slabs on top of that. The white line shows the pier location. From the current ground level down to the old lawn is about ten inches, so I've got quite a bit of digging before I get down to the old ground height. Much of the gap against the wall was back filled with gravel to aid drainage, with hardcore over the top, so I'll need to dig far enough to reach something solid.


The postman also brought the first package with parts this morning, the eight roof wheels. These nylon wheels are rated at 35Kg each, so should have ample strength for the roof panels. If the roof panels get any heavier than 280Kg, I'll be in trouble opening it anyway!


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  • 2 weeks later...

A little more progress over the last couple of weeks. I didn't have any large chucks of aluminium to hand, and don't really like working in metal if I can help it. I did however, have some big blocks of dense modelling resin. It is fairly strong, it turns very well, and can be drilled and tapped. My lathe isn't huge, just being a small hobby type, and the centre height and jaw size can be limiting.

I had to use my bandsaw to cut the resin blank into a disc a little over 5 inches in diameter in order to clear the lathe bed, and drill a hole in the centre for a bolt which could be used to secure the blank in the chuck jaws. Once this recess had been machined for the bottom of the NEQ6 mount, the blank was turned around and the jaws used to grip inside this hole. That allowed me to bore all the way through for the main fixing bolt.


The polar alignment peg for the azimuth screws to push against, was made from a machine screw and a piece of square steel bar. They were aligned in the lathe chuck and tool post to hold them still while I zapped them with the welder.


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The resin adapter will be drilled for bolts to attach it to the top steel levelling plate on the pier. I'll countersink 'T' Nuts into the top of the adapter, and bolt up through the steel and resin. A long central bolt will go through the steel disc and resin, holding the mount in place.


The steel discs arrived a few days ago, but I am yet to do anything with them, other than getting some additional hardware for linking them and attaching them to the pier.


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A little more progress this afternoon while glue was drying on a work project. The mount adapter was drilled for the M6 bolts that attach it to the levelling plate. The top side of each hole was then recessed for a 'T' nut. The 'T' nuts will be epoxied in place eventually.


Next, the steel plate was drilled for the large central bolt, and the four fixing bolts. I've only got a hobby sized pillar drill, so to reduce the strain on the drill, the central hole was drilled to 6mm to start with, and then I worked up the drill sizes until the bolt fitted. The fixing bolt holes were then drilled and the bolts test fitted.


Right side up. The central bolt will probably have a steel plate welded to the head, with a hole for a padlock to pass through. It can then be screwed into the mount and padlocked in place to prevent easy removal.


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Before the afternoon school run, there was time for a quick assemble. Next job will be drilling both steel discs for the levelling studding, and also for the studding that will attach the lower disc to the concrete pier.



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.......I am assuming you own the land to the left of the iron railings? :D

Here's a wider view of the fence and workshop. The fence is just to stop my daughter from making the 6 foot plunge off the patio, down to the path around the workshop!


Edited by ArmyAirForce
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The garden is nice and neat now, but when we got the house, it was just a big slope of freshly dumped clay soil, 6 feet high to where my wife is standing. Once it was wet, it took forever to dry out. The original lawns stayed so wet and soft, they often couldn't be walked on, which is why we gave the garden a big makeover resulting in an ideal observing patio, just before I got back into astronomy!

The wood planks mark out the future position of the workshop.


Edited by ArmyAirForce
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