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The Sun - 16th November 2015

David Smith

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Very fortunate to be in the right place at the right time this morning! Little bit of a twist in the presentation today, let me know if it's a good or bad thing :tongue: All this cloud has given me time to read up on a number of processing techniques I was either not aware of or did not understand. Not all of which can be applied to my white light images but will come in handy for others in the future. Gradients, colour maps and layer masks so far, although I am still a little puzzled on the last one. Back to Ken Crawford's excellent tutorials tonight I think.

23073353791_690458fcd3_o.png20151116_alt by David Smith, on Flickr

23062176875_bfdd8f5af8_o.png20151116mono_alt by David Smith, on Flickr

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