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The Sun in Ca-K - 25th Oct 2015

David Smith

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Forecast 'promised' some clear skies for this morning but when I got up it looked pretty dismal. Low and behold mid morning it started to clear and I actually got almost an hour of reasonable skies. Still have the white light data to process but here's the Calcium to kick off with.

Full Disk in 6 panes @ 1000mm FL

22275481408_26b608911d_o.png20151025_CaK_6PaneFD by David Smith, on Flickr

22275487728_ee3a6f92fe_o.png20151025_CaK_6PaneFD_Mono by David Smith, on Flickr

AR's @ 2000mm FL

21842013983_19a2422305_o.png20151025_CaK_AR12436_2x by David Smith, on Flickr

21842015503_8d7abd2b9c_o.png20151025_CaK_AR12435_7_2x by David Smith, on Flickr

22276360109_29a12f0c74_o.png20151025_CaK_AR12439_2x by David Smith, on Flickr

Had hoped to go flare hunting but clouds came back before I had chance.

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