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New Barlow

D Wright

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I just received my new Barlow in the post this morning, I can't wait to try it. It is a Revelation Astro 2.25x triplet APO and judging from the quality of their eyepieces it should be pretty darn good. I have been using a standard Skywatcher Barlow and while not bad I felt the need for something better. I can't sing the praises for this company enough as the quality of their equipment is outstanding for the price. Does anyone else use their stuff?

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I owned one of the Revelation triplet barlows but I thought they were 2.5x :icon_scratch:

They do perform pretty well for their price. I think "apo" is pushing it a bit though it does have 3 lenses in it.

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I only quoted APO as that is what the web site description said. I bought it from Harrison Telescopes and I have found them to be honest and knowledgeable. I am not sure how to tell if it is APO but will let you know how it performs when weather allows

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Once I get some 2" EPs I am going to get the 2" Barlow from them. I am thinking about their 2" 50mm EP

The 50mm eyepiece won't be too effective with your GX250 I feel newtonian because the exit pupil that it creates is a massive 10.4mm which is larger than the maximum dilated pupil size of your eye. With an F/4.8 scope I think a 30mm eyepiece is a better choice of maximum focal length eyepiece.

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Ok thanks for that. They do a 2" 30mm as well so may go for that. Will I notice much difference between a 2" 30mm and a 1.25" 32mm?

Apologies the Barlow is 2.5x

The difference will be that the 30mm 2" will show a true field of view of 1.7 degrees with your 250mm newtonian wheras the 32mm will show 1.33 degrees.

The 30mm Revelation may well show astigmatism (seagull shaped stars) in the outer parts of the field of view because your 250mm newtonian is quite a fast scope - F/4.8 I believe ?

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