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Venus at Sunrise


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( 5:30 AM) - I woke up early as usual and looked out the stair landing window at a beautiful clear sky.  I million stars were calling me!  I grabbed a quick cup of coffee, my DSLR and tripod and jumped in the car.  Arrived at my new dark spot on the edge of a farmer's field- about 1/2 mile drive.  [ I stopped the other day and asked the farmer if I could bring my telescope to the spot and he said, (with a grin), "whatever makes you happy."  haha. ] 

Oh!  What a beautiful morning!

I captured Venus - shining like a jewel in the eastern sky with Mars and Jupiter following along.

Panasonic GH2 DSLR:  ISO1600,  14mm,  f4,  8 sec.  6:22 AM


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Nice photo.

We are currently blessed with a real beauty in our dawn sky.

I've caught colleagues watching it as I arrive at work to relieve them from their night shift. They looked in disbelief when pointed out 3 planets.

You know it's special when non astronomers are stopping to look.

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Well worth getting up and taking the drive for. The trinity of Venus, Jupiter and Mars draws the attention and I also would have missed Mercury if grchif had not pointed it out. Beautiful location and widefield setting for the quads :-)

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