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Sh2-173 H-alpha


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Captured back on the 10th August 12 x 1200s using 3nM Astrodon Ha filter, this is a fairly faint Sharpless object in Cassiopeia. Not much to say about it really other than the fact it looks like a Teddy Bear looking out at me.. :-)  Not sure it's worth the time to complete SII and OIII channels as other sources suggest there isn't any signal there, so I will likely leave it as a mono image.



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Thanks folks!

Chris: Yes it is very faint, that is 4 hours worth of H-alpha of what would be by far the brightest channel. I have not seen the faintest trace of OIII or SII on other images of this object so all that would happen is it would go Red/Yellow (depending on chosen palette). I could add RGB stars and that would not take long to do. It is one of those less often imaged targets!


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