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The Sun - 15th Aug 2015

David Smith

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Early start this morning to try and make the most of the forecast clear bit.

White lights via DSLR

20590248565_8fb2ea9747_o.png20150815 by David Smith, on Flickr

20581251952_f791848bdf_o.png20150815mono by David Smith, on Flickr

Ca-K via QHY5 / EZPlanetary

19968825754_c9fdb22c8c_o.png20150815_CaK by David Smith, on Flickr

Close-ups using 1.5x barlow. I did try the 2x but seeing wasn't really good enough for that today.

20565179236_27d4ab4423_o.png20150815_CaK_AR12400_1.5x by David Smith, on Flickr

20404716149_9b9b061fe0_o.png20150815_CaK_AR12401_1.5x by David Smith, on Flickr

I called this one the big prom as there were several. I ran some other captures but they did not come out very well. This one I felt was worth posting.

20565180796_2a860703ea_o.png20150815_CaK_BigProm by David Smith, on Flickr

All the Ca-K above were shot with EZPlanetary in 8 bit mode. I wanted to have a go with FireCapture and / or SharpCap as I can get 16 bit captures with these. I didn't get much joy with FireCapture but SharpCap seemed to work pretty well.

AR12401 @ 1000mm FL. It's a shame this one is about to head over the limb as it looks quite lively.

19968835884_db6bba5110_o.pngSharpCap_Test by David Smith, on Flickr

2 pane mosaic @ 1000mm FL

20403416868_a91cd0825b_o.png20150815_SharpCap_Slice by David Smith, on Flickr

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Very nice collection, David. Your CaK images look like you've been doing it for a good while! Love the colour.

I was good to go at that time too but the clouds had other ideas! Bit frustrating here, lovely clear blue to the West that refused to move a mile or two East :mad:  So shot through thin cloud and gave up waiting!

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