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alan potts

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I am toying with the idea of another zoom I feel the Nagler 3-6mm covers the short end. Now I know of the Leica zoom which seems to be about as good as it gets and has a fairly wide field. Are there any really high class acts performing in the more normal 8-24mm range and you all know to me optical quality is a must.


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I had the Baader zoom and have now got the Lieca zoom, in my limited selection of scopes, 10"SCT, 110 trip refractor , Lunt LS60ds the difference optically, while there, was not spectacularly better. This is par for the course as the cost goes up exponentially the view doesn't follow, not that I let that stop me buying expensive eyepieces  :grin:

I would imagine / hope that in a more demanding scope the difference in performance would be appreciable. 

Will take it to a star party in September and hopefully try it in a big fast Dob.

One niglley thing about the Lieca is that it has a proprietary bayonet fitting so needs a not too wonderful 1.25" or 2" adapter.


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I have the Leica and Swarovski, both very nice. I need more time with the Swarovski to properly assess it, but it is lighter and more compact than the Leica. I found eye placement a little fussier but am getting used to it now. On axis they are fabulous, transmission and scatter control great. Edges are not as good but still ok.

As Dave sats, the adapters are a little cumbersome but they do the job once fitted.

I think these are as good as it gets really, I do like mine, especially for solar.

I often use it with a VIP Barlow to give 4.6 to 9.2. This cleans up the edge performance very nicely.

One thing to think about is what you want it for... (Sorry if that sounds obvious). I find zooms more useful for higher power viewing when the seeing dictates exactly which mag you should use. This also applies to solar. For than reason I tend to think dedicated eyepieces are better at the low power, and the zoom at higher. The Leica or Swarovski with a Barlow or powermate fulfil this role nicely. I use them less on their own. In the f9 Vixen the Leica gives x75 to x150 , great for globs or PNs, or x150 to x300 bar lower, perfect for planetary or lunar work.

In the Sumerian though it gives around x116 to x232 with a Barlow, a great range for a number of uses.

I don't think they are as good on doubles as a BGO or similar performing ep.

They are a bit of a conundrum really, world class on some objects and for some uses, less so in other ways.

Gerry has experience of these too under much better skies than me!!

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Don't know if you're into solar Alan but as Stu says, I find the Leica superb in the LS60 which is the main reason I purchased it, so nice to be able to alter the zoom to suit changing conditions rather than be scrambling around swapping eyepieces, not so applicable to night time viewing except lunar of course. I also have the Baader VIP Barlow which comes into it's own when required.


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Good answers all round, I was think of it for a plug and play in the big Dob, I am not into solar apart from topping up my tan, though it's 38 outside at the moment and a bit hot even for me.

There was another zoom that has not come up yet and i don't recall the name other than it began with M, I seem to recall seeing it about a year back, if that's any help.

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Good answers all round, I was think of it for a plug and play in the big Dob, I am not into solar apart from topping up my tan, though it's 38 outside at the moment and a bit hot even for me.

There was another zoom that has not come up yet and i don't recall the name other than it began with M, I seem to recall seeing it about a year back, if that's any help.

I know which one you are talking about Alan, I'll dig it out and post up. I don't think it's quite in the Leica/Zeiss/Swarovski league though from what I've read.

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That's the one, it's not in the same league though, well it seems to be trying hard with the price tag. I think if I go for one it's is going to be one of the ones already mantioned, when you have very good eyepieces you have to do what you can to at least match them with a zoom, a feat that the Nagler does very well. I haven't seen many reports on it but the more expensive Pentax I guess will not rock the apple cart too much, I passed on a chance to pick one of them up about 6 months back for 60% of new price, silly boy.


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I was going to mention the Meopta Zoom but Stu has beat me to it !

It's the only one that I've read reports on that seems to keep up with the Leica, well almost.

FWIW Alan I've still got some doubts over how the Leica would fare in my F/5.3 dob, my most used scope. I've no doubts about the refractors but I've asked the question a couple of times on the CN forum and I've not had 100% convincing responses re: dob use. EFoB reports have concerned me a bit too.

I can only justify the Leica if other eyepieces can be moved on but I'm not convinced that would be the case. If you can fund one and carry the duplication, go for it :smiley:

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You have doubts over yours scope, if it is a speed of scope thing then I am a bit faster at F4.3. I think it is more a case of money burning a hole in my pocket and I still can't quite make my mind up about the E4.7mm, no question I will never (believe that and you will knit fog) buy the 3.7mm.

I was mearly thinking it would be nice to be able to dial up the power on the Dob when looking at say M57 in the hunt for centre star or countless other targets to see how they react to power, then select the right Ethos or whatever to have a closer look.

The trouble is with Leica they are rather expensive if I didn't get on with it, the sad thing is I never get a chance to try things first, had I have done I would have gone straight into TV's and not really bothered with Meade..


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I appreciate that, where you are, you have to take the plunge Alan, or you don't get to try one.

I'm hesitating over the Ethos 4.7 too, as it happens. I've had one in the checkout basket more than once over the past few months but I've just not completed the deal for some reason :undecided:

The chances of a used one coming up seem to be zero :rolleyes2:

I guess my hesitation might be due to the Pentax XW 5mm being so darn good.....

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We must play the same game, I have done this a good few times with Telly House's system. I know we have different scopes and 0.3mm is not much but I feel I would use that more though it may be a bit on the short side for the Dob, I am trying to offload my 5mmXW as it never gets used, as I trend the to favour the 4.5mm Delos purely for that extra bit it gives though it may not quite be as good. I say that with a great smile on my face as one night one comes out on top and next night it's the other way around. I sometimes wonder if I had a 5mm Vixen 65 degree as well that may just add to the saga out shinning both some nights.

As for secondhand, they either are that good no one will part or the businesses in the UK never sold any.

I think in truth there is nothing in it and imagination can play a big roll.

I am finding one thing now I have slimmed the eyepiece cases, I am not wasting as much time messing about changing eyepieces like I did. The times I used to swap and change between the 10mm D and E and the others trying to see a difference is a thing of the past, now I just soak up the expansive view with a grin.



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....I am finding one thing now I have slimmed the eyepiece cases, I am not wasting as much time messing about changing eyepieces like I did. The times I used to swap and change between the 10mm D and E and the others trying to see a difference is a thing of the past, now I just soak up the expansive view with a grin.


I've done something similar now Alan. I used to keep a few "low glass" TV plossls and / or Baader GO's or similar so that I could compare the views but I came to the conclusion that this was not really adding anything to my observing, other than increasing the chances of dropping a nice eyepiece mid-switch  :rolleyes2: 

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As mentioned by Stu, there're many high-end zooms for spotting scopes, like Meopta 30-60x WA, Swarovski 25-50x W, Zeiss Vario D 15-45x, Zeiss Vario D 15-56x, Leica 25-50x ASPH, Nikon FEP-20-60x, Kowa TE-11WZ 25-60x WW, etc. Leica zoom got special attention simply because Andreas did quite extensive comparison with ZAOIIs in his TEC140 for planetary and Lunar observations. All these manufacturers have great resource and expertise about optics, I'd not be surprised if one or some of the above zooms are better suited for astronomical use than Leica, the only question is that we need someone to do a more extensive observation comparison as Andreas did.

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I have the Leica and Swarovski,....I have the Leica and Swarovski,....I have the Leica and Swarovski,....I have the Leica and Swarovski,....I have the Leica and Swarovski,.... Nooooo!! i hate you!!  :angry4:  :angry4:  :Envy:

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I have the Leica and Swarovski,....I have the Leica and Swarovski,....I have the Leica and Swarovski,....I have the Leica and Swarovski,....I have the Leica and Swarovski,.... Nooooo!! i hate you!! :angry4::angry4::Envy:


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You chaps are discussing zooms well out of my range :grin:  I'll enjoy thread and let you play nicely, look forward to the conclusions, purchase and review write ups.

If you think it in another way, a Leica zoom plus a Baader VIP barlows costs a little more than three(3) used Delos,  but in all my scopes, this combination effectively replaces all the eight(8) Delos from 3.5mm to 17.3mm, with the additional convenience of par focal and no need to change eyepieces,  it's great bargain in my calculation.

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@Ykse, that may be, but those two items would cost more than my four telescopes and my EP collection. For mere mortals we rely on you guys to churn your kit and buy when you rotate your excellent cast offs.!!

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