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08-08-2015 Quark Chromosphere AR's a plenty


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I posted a shot the other day here & it went down well, AR2396, Luke commented it was a really nice region, one of the best & I have to agree.

When it comes out well that AR is just super. it has got better through the week & was a joy to process.

Anyway I now find that 1 click CCW is the nuts for my Q unit so I will be sticking with it from now, if you don't fiddle & test you won't get the best out of your Quark (just an observation).

You all know by now I tend to do images with the FR always in place, well I tried a few with the Q at native res, see what you think once I have them up here, ill be interested to know your opinions.

As always guys/ gals thanks for looking/commenting.




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Lovely shots again, Ewan :laugh: Thanks for the view.

Will be interesting to see how your native no reducer shots come out. My feelings so far on native is that if you have larger pixels in your camera (like ASI174's 5.86µm) then native looks very doable in decent conditions. I suspect but have not tested it much thanks in part to our iffy summer (never seem to get several hours of clear this year!) that native would be stretching the small pixels on my Grasshopper 3 (ICX687 - 3.69 µm) chip a little bit.

But I am sure I could push up more from I think about 0.55x reduction that I get with my Grasshopper. But I am pretty happy at that kind of focal length and battling seeing does frustrate me so I don't push it too hard! Like I love doing lunar with my 8 inch SCT. Trying to get the max out of my old C11 was beyond my patience! I have tried planets a few times and I'd love to image them but hunting best seeing is beyond me. Thank goodness others have more patience than me and can show us the amazing close ups!

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Lovely shots again, Ewan :laugh: Thanks for the view.

Will be interesting to see how your native no reducer shots come out. My feelings so far on native is that if you have larger pixels in your camera (like ASI174's 5.86µm) then native looks very doable in decent conditions. I suspect but have not tested it much thanks in part to our iffy summer (never seem to get several hours of clear this year!) that native would be stretching the small pixels on my Grasshopper 3 (ICX687 - 3.69 µm) chip a little bit.

But I am sure I could push up more from I think about 0.55x reduction that I get with my Grasshopper. But I am pretty happy at that kind of focal length and battling seeing does frustrate me so I don't push it too hard! Like I love doing lunar with my 8 inch SCT. Trying to get the max out of my old C11 was beyond my patience! I have tried planets a few times and I'd love to image them but hunting best seeing is beyond me. Thank goodness others have more patience than me and can show us the amazing close ups!

I know what your saying Luke, I am the same.

I have tried planets with my C8, mixed results & since discovering the solar dynamics this is where my heart is I think.

The native Quark shots are ok for an 80mm but will, I feel, be better with the 152mm when it gets here, hopefully we will still have sun to test it out on.

Anyway below are the rest of yesterday's catch, hope you like em mate let me know what you think.

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These are from yesterday as well including the AR's but without the focal reducer BUT they were 4 pane mosaics to catch more area.

Hope they are ok.

With FR

post-11075-0-06650000-1439115570.png  post-11075-0-49689800-1439115579.png


post-11075-0-44021900-1439115595.png  post-11075-0-90705300-1439115619.png


post-11075-0-93878200-1439115644.png  post-11075-0-44855600-1439115663.png

post-11075-0-14136700-1439115672.png  post-11075-0-49154500-1439115680.png

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Lovely images Ewan, I did a quick try with / without the .5X focal reducer in my brief session yesterday, just couldn't pull out the detail, though I did have to reduce to 500 frames from my usual 1000, I've posted the prom with / without somewhere so you can see the problem, I have found previously that the seeing needs to be really good to use without the f/r, I thought yesterday I could have done with slightly less reducering.

I'm using PG BFly 4.08nm pixels so bit larger than the Grasshopper, also tried the Skyris 274 on it and it was very flat looking and lacking contrast so won't waste time doing that again.

Also without the f/r I'm plagued with the dreaded Newton rings.

Nice and sunny today but seeing is rubbish ATM so no good for testing stuff. :)


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Lovely images Ewan, I did a quick try with / without the .5X focal reducer in my brief session yesterday, just couldn't pull out the detail, though I did have to reduce to 500 frames from my usual 1000, I've posted the prom with / without somewhere so you can see the problem, I have found previously that the seeing needs to be really good to use without the f/r, I thought yesterday I could have done with slightly less reducering.

I'm using PG BFly 4.08nm pixels so bit larger than the Grasshopper, also tried the Skyris 274 on it and it was very flat looking and lacking contrast so won't waste time doing that again.

Also without the f/r I'm plagued with the dreaded Newton rings.

Nice and sunny today but seeing is rubbish ATM so no good for testing stuff. :)


Glad to see your a 'tester' like me Dave, what's the point otherwise eh ?

I have found similar results, without the FR getting the detail out can be really hard, it doesn't help that most of my imaging has been with the 0.5FR :rolleyes:

I did find doing a 4 pane no FR mosaic was a little better, it means when compiling your image you can scale it down a bit to improve the res a little, native Quarks are very 'in your face'.

I have a feeling I will also be looking at a new ccd from PG when I get going with the 152mm, until it's here though you never know the 618 might pull it off so I am holding off the ccd for now.

Roll on end of August.

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Not sure how you work out the suitability of a camera ie: pixel size, for Solar, easy enough for night time aiming for around 2 arc/secs/pixel but how does it work for solar ?

Instead of lot's of little stars we have one big one, the inbuilt Barlow in the Quark appears to mean you end up over sampling whichever camera you choose.

I'm no expert (you guessed  :grin: ) so more trial and error, but a starting point would be good as testing stuff is a nightmare with constantly changing conditions.


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