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The Sun - 18th Jul 2015

David Smith

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Early start today as the forecast looked promising. Not quite as early as I planned as I must have turned off the alarm and gone back to sleep :BangHead:

Paid off though as seeing was half decent.

19621525330_674ee00084_o.png20150718 by David Smith, on Flickr

19783365356_4b01c5f238_o.png20150718mono by David Smith, on Flickr

19621549648_6245bef890_o.png20150718_2 by David Smith, on Flickr

19621548428_9dfac06a69_o.png20150718_4 by David Smith, on Flickr

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Thanks all.

Seeing is everything! Hence the early start. Unfortunately it was cloudy and wet early here today so will have to hope the seeing good late like it sometimes is.

@ibbo - thanks. Should of pointed out the close-ups are taken with the QHY5 not DSLR.

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