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Ye Old Milky-Way


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'Tis the summer season.

Time for hot days, hot babes and cold beer.

As my mother-in-law as a small place at a camping park, every year on summer we come here for a few days or weeks.

Today as i exited from a local restaurant just outside the park, i looked to the sky, as i usually do, to see the stars (my moment of zen)

I was in for a treat.

The restaurant is located at a relativly darkish site wasn't for the lights from the park, the place would be really dark, as it is close to the sea/beach (no lumination at night).

As soon i looked to the sky my eyes were filled with billions of white dots, little ones and big ones, and i tought to my self "oh my god, so many stars, it is simply incredible"

As i ran my eyes up and down back and forward, like a crazy cat after a red dot, i suddently looked at my right and saw what it looked like a big stretch cloud, "ohh look, my friend, the cloud!"

But after a few seconds and after gazing upon the sky, "it can't be", a smile started to appear, "it is, it as all the configuration of it!" I felt like a kid on christmas day after a breakfast of choclate and redbull, "ohh yes! It is the milky-way! Holly otters!"

I assure you it was not from the two beers i had for diner.

I felt like my face was a giant smile.

After all this monts of reading people saying that they saw the milky-way or that they saw ot whe they where kids, or just seeing on photos, i get the chance of seeing with my own eyes. At this moment i just missed teo things, my dslr to capture the moment (will do it in a week or so) and that my boy would be old enough to share this with him (will have to wait some years).

I was so excited that i felt i had to share the experience [emoji3]

Thanks for reading.

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The first time of seeing the Milky Way in all its glory is always a jaw dropping moment. Especially for us city dwellers.

That is so true.

All the city folks should go to a dark place and gaze the night sky. No lights, no sound, no stress, anything.

Just enjoy

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:) The Milkyway from real dark skies is stunning!

Seeing it after stumbling out of a pub one night several years ago in West Cork is what made me buy a scope.

The most expensive pints I've ever drank ;)

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'Tis the summer season.

Time for hot days, hot babes and cold beer.

I was thinking that is so far removed from an Irish/British summer that you must be somewhere else. Then i saw that you are in Lisbon.

My most favourite city of any i have been to. Cant say its a place where ive done much observing from (even naked eye) because i consider the LP to be pretty heavy in Lisbon. I suppose it all depends how far up along the bay,sea-inlet you are. 

When i visit, i usually stick to areas within this map: I have been to most areas, but not at night and not for astronomy.


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:) The Milkyway from real dark skies is stunning!

Seeing it after stumbling out of a pub one night several years ago in West Cork is what made me buy a scope.

The most expensive pints I've ever drank ;)

That made me laugh [emoji3] that must be a pub lost in the wild

'Tis the summer season.

Time for hot days, hot babes and cold beer.

I was thinking that is so far removed from an Irish/British summer that you must be somewhere else. Then i saw that you are in Lisbon.

My most favourite city of any i have been to. Cant say its a place where ive done much observing from (even naked eye) because i consider the LP to be pretty heavy in Lisbon. I suppose it all depends how far up along the bay,sea-inlet you are.

When i visit, i usually stick to areas within this map: I have been to most areas, but not at night and not for astronomy.

Lisbon at night is not good, at all, for observations.

But is good for restaurants and bars [emoji3] although there is a local astronomy observatory where they make speeches and observations every last saturday of each month. And it is quite close to the city center.

My observation was made on a place south of lisbon, on the other side or the Tejo river.

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I can remember as a kid spending our summer holidays and a week  November on my aunts farm in Somerset, my uncle would put a bail of hay out for me to lie on and I could stare at the Milky Way, I was always struck by the amount of stars visible, today I am stuck with an light polluted town with 3 street lights next to my garden fence, so not much chance of that spectacular star show now.

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I remember seeing the Milky Way on Exmoor. After a while the sheer amount of detail was overwhelming. I also remember a night in Snowdonia where the stars were reflected in a lake and you I could (just) read the label on a baked bean can by starlight.

Around 150 years ago it was normal for almost EVERYONE to see a sky like that whenever the moon was down. What hath God wrought?

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I remember seeing the Milky Way on Exmoor. After a while the sheer amount of detail was overwhelming. I also remember a night in Snowdonia where the stars were reflected in a lake and you I could (just) read the label on a baked bean can by starlight.

Around 150 years ago it was normal for almost EVERYONE to see a sky like that whenever the moon was down. What hath God wrought?

News flash. Looking to the wrong party here.

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