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I know it is not an image....but it will be soon...


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Quark incoming tomorrow  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

Slightly nervous about how good it will be, and off to North Wales on Sunday for nearly a week and then my in-laws arrive, so not sure how much time I'll have for proper quality testing! 

I keep looking at 100mm and 120mm scopes too  :rolleyes:   but will test with my Megrez 90 first and then decide.  I fear a 120 will be too big for easy grab and go, and most of the 100 also seem long focal length so also a bit of a problem for my Evolution Alt Az mount   :huh:

But that is fun to come...  :grin:


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Thanks Dave.  I love my Megrez 90.  It is one of the first generation ones, so had it since about 2006.  It has given me so many lovely nights, and with white light too, and is my standard holiday scope.  So it will be nice to turn it into Ha too and so not have to take the smaller Megrez 72 away too.


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I also have a Megrez 72 and that is my preferred scope for visual with the Quark as there is a larger FOV. However the M90 gives better quality images.

For visual I use the recommended TV 32mm plossl.

I started using my DMK41AU618 which was fine but have since upgraded to the ZWO ASI147MM camera which is brilliant. I did have some Newton's ring problems but that has been sorted and I will probably later today posting details all about that.


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I like full disks for visual, and imaging too, Dave.  My current 70mm filter set- M72 - Skyris 274 combo works nicely for full disks.  I'm hoping the Quark will complement nicely for high res  :grin:


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You should be very happy with it in that case. It is necessary to do a mosaic to get a full disc but that isn't a problem if using AS!2 and Imppg in bulk mode. It is worth having a read of Michael's sticky at the top of this forum.


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Well it has arrived :grin: - and brought the cloud with it   :rolleyes:   Initially just thin stuff, so at least got to see a red outline with a few blurry surface features, but now nothing   :sad:   Clearoutside suggests this afternoon should be OK - but then it says it should be OK now!



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Well it has arrived :grin: - and brought the cloud with it   :rolleyes:   Initially just thin stuff, so at least got to see a red outline with a few blurry surface features, but now nothing   :sad:   Clearoutside suggests this afternoon should be OK - but then it says it should be OK now!



Hope you get some clear skies soon

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Hi Helen,

can I ask where you bought your Quark? really thinking about getting one myself but am a little bit unsure after some of the QC comments I've seen.


I bought it from Astrograph Rob.  On QC I too am concerned.  Luke said they sorted out a faulty one he had with no problems.  They state that they test everyone before shipping.

I need to do some more testing with mine before I know if its a keeper or not...


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I think your Megrez 90 will do just fine with a Quark. I reckon my Zenithstar 80 is about the finest scope I have ever owned and I know the Megrez is meant to be better. Hope you get enough time to use your Quark now that the summer is finally here.


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Oh it was APM in Germany I bought it from, Helen. They looked after me :laugh:  Sarah is delighted with the replacement. It must be good, as she won't let me try imaging with it! I have to keep my mitts off it.

Can't wait to see your first light. Alexandra's looks rather good, no pressure!! :grin:

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Thanks, Helen, I missed your first light post! Nice to see so many images being posted these days on SGL :laugh:

re: aperture, I like using 100mm upwards with Quark best of all, for imaging and visual. Sarah does visual only these days. She uses 85mm and 100mm mostly and does much prefer the view in the 100mm overall.

I almost always image with the 120mm these days, though I tend to do mornings when the seeing is typically better our way. Sometimes it won't be at full steam, but I can always tile and downsize, my 85mm won't outperform it.

As you have a superb 70mm filter, it makes sense to me to step up to at least 100mm, and to about 120mm if you can as you'd then be close to maxing out the aperture for the Quark without having to use a very expensive front energy rejection filter. I find my Equinox 120 fairly heavy and clunky, not something I would typically take for grab and go.

Our Skywatcher ED 100 DS-Pro, we have used for grab and go a few times. Quite a long scope but light and very fast cool down (and I imagine, warm-up! My 120mm sometimes seems to need a little time to stabilize with the Quark, especially in winter - so I try and get the Quark and 120 on the sun for a bit first, mornings that is normally while the sun is still clearing the tree).

Tricky one, for me it depends on just how grab and go you need it, but all in all I would be tempted by the Skywtacher ED120 DS-Pro or similar. The DS-Pro is slightly lighter I believe than the Equinox 120 and has same optics, dew shield is fixed rather than can slide down (can be unscrewed, which might be handy if it's windy) but that's not a deal breaker for me.

If it were me I'd want to be confident you are happy with the Quark in your current scope first.

Ah, APM in Germany!  

My first light was a little mixed - nowhere near as positive as Alexandra's.  See here http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/247699-first-light-quark-4-july/ But I've just read someone saying seeing was very bad at times, so maybe it just wasn't a good day! (hopefully!)


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