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Partial Solar Eclipse - First rough movie mp4 + NEW PIPP Processed version by cgarry


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781 Raw frames taken at 10s intervals Canon 7DII With Canon 600/f4L IS USM and 1.4x Extender III fitted with a Baader Solar Film Filter On an NEQ-6 Side-by-side with the LOHA Staeg 2 PST mod. Raws converted to Full Size 100% Jpegs using DXO Optics Pro Elite 10 (17 mins) and Movie created in Windows Moivie maker each frame duration 0.033s

The jumps are where people tried to take pictures with their smartphones held against the EP on the LOHA... I will Crop for Full HD  and Center Sol on all the frames when I get a chance...

From my Dropbox Cloudspace


From Flickr!


Thanks for Looking...

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I decided I couldn't "deprive" the peopel who had come out of the offices a look...  I had setup the Megrez 72 with white light solar filter for the "public" but they wanted to look through the "big" scope...

Most were well behaved and respected my request not to physically touch the Scopes or EP  as I had them side by side on the NEQ-6 with the DSLR shooting stills every 10s for the timelapse.. Some decided they wanted to try and take picks through the Solar scope and held their phones tight to the EP and moved it around.. this caused most of the jumps in the video... Fortunately I didn't loose the disc out of the frame so I can go through and manually crop the frames for the finished video...


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To stabilise the video  I used PIPP's new surface feature stabilisation, selecting a thin sliver at the bottom of the sun as the anchor feature.  My thoughts were that this is present in all of the frames.  No idea how to do this with a full eclipse though!



I selected the output AVI codec as FMP4 with a quality of 8 and it all just sort of worked.



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I have just run PIPP on the  718 frames of  23 MP Jpegs producing a 2572x2444 resolution  Very High Bit Rate (88003kbps) AVI...  There are time when I am glad I built a decent PC and this is one of them... :)

Which I am uploading at the moment - be warned it's 136MB...

Download at you peril...


Chris - you have developed a superb program :)

Just about to try it on the RAW's


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Got PIPP to  process the raws directly...  781 frames at 10s intervals  rendered into a 2868x2588 @ 30fps 103931kbps AVI  56.5MB 26s...


Thats it until after SGLX...


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Chris, what other settings did you use for each screen? full disc solar or planetary animation?

Source Files Tab:

Multiple Source Files: Join Mode (Required if using individual images instead of a video).

No 'Optimise Options For' option selected at all as none of these really help with this kind of imaging.

Input Options:

No changes made

Processing Options:

As shown on the image in my earlier post.  The AFB and AOI rectangles are set using the image window rather than entering numbers on the main PIPP window.

Quality Options:

No changes made

Animation Options:

No changes made

Output Options:

Output Format: AVI

Output Frames Per Second -> Same FPS As Input Video If Possible: Unticked

Output Frames Per Second -> Output Frames Per Second To Use Otherwise: 30

AVI File Options -> AVI Codec: FMP4

AVI File Options -> Quality 8

I hope this helps!



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