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Jupiter 17/02 from Bembridge


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On a run with conditions at the moment, though desperately need a good nights sleep!   However, had to nip out again tonight and get another hours data and was rewarded by a transit and shadow transit of Io and Calisto.     The seeing looked better on the preview during capture and it was only the last run that has processed reasonably, but this seems to have come good - just wished I'd stayed a little longer.


Tomorrow night looks fair on the forecast, but will only venture out if the seeing looks good!

I did have Europa on the sensor for the last image, but lost it during the stack.    I will have another play at this tomorrow as it will add balance.   I will also try and soften the wavelets on Calisto to see if I can get some surface detail here.

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Certainly are on a run Jake that has came out beautifully! A detailed Jupiter accompanied by two Galileans one of which is transiting which has been picked up nicely. Great work.

                                        Best regards,


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Thanks Pete, Stu, Michael, Ralph and Stuart!    Quite pleased with this, certainly the best planet in transit that I've managed to catch and process - it is a treat when WinJupos manages to align everything nicely.

Certainly are on a run Jake that has came out beautifully! A detailed Jupiter accompanied by two Galileans one of which is transiting which has been picked up nicely. Great work.

                                        Best regards,


I'll do the re-process with the three moons tonight, adding Europa to the party.   It has been quite a run, over the last four nights - I'm bushed and could do with a rest, but as I'm probably packing up the obs this weekend it seems only right to get as much data as possible beforehand ;)

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I really like this one Jake, love to see the actual moon in transit and not just the shadow.

It was cloudy here. It looks to be mostly clear tonight but a bit on the windy side so I am giving it a miss!


Angie, the best time to see the moons in transit is at the beginning or end of the transit. At this point the moons appear bright against the darker limb of Jupiter. Once further across they get very difficult, if not impossible because they just blend in. The exception is Callisto which appears almost like a shadow because it is a darker moon. It doesn't transit that often unfortunately because of its larger orbit

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