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Jupiter with GRS showing from Dec 30th 2014


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Hi all, 

Jupiter pickings have been a bit slim of late what with lots of cloud and the gaps between the cloud showing some pretty awful seeing. On the 30th of December, the seeing did improve, although for Selsey, the northerly wind component that we had is never ideal.

Here's an image consisting of 4x90s R's, 2x90s G's and 2x90s B's, derotated and combined in WinJupos.


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Hi Neil,

Good to hear from you again.

Sky at Night (prog and magazine), aurora trips (tough job, but someone has to do it ;) ) and Stargazing Live tend to keep me generally busy throughout the year. I do image a fair bit though but put most of my stuff out on FB or Twitter. I shall make more of an effort to post on here. Another big job is to update my website which I haven't touched for a long time. That's underway though ;)


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