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Help With Registax

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I've been using Registax to process avi's of Jupiter. I'll get the image processed to my liking and when I save it, the image doesn't save as shown in Registax. If I have the two open side by side the saved image is significantly darker and less defined. I've followed Astronomy Sheds beginner tutorial on youtube and I don't think I've missed any steps. any help would be appreciated.

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It doesn't really help you right now but I would say that I fell out with Registax 6.  It is so counter intuitive to use.  I switched to Autostakkert 2 and its so much easier to use.  I can't say its better but for my brain it works a treat.  It also saves two file versions, one with wavelet type adjustments applied and one without so you can process both and see which one you prefer.

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Hmm, what format are you saving as please? TIF files can be saved with adjustments embedded but not applied, that could be a possibility.

I like Registax 6 myself. I find rinsing my capture files through PIPP speeds it up a lot and greatly reduces the number of hangs when stacking, the pre-alignment helps a lot.

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Hmm, what format are you saving as please? TIF files can be saved with adjustments embedded but not applied, that could be a possibility.

I like Registax 6 myself. I find rinsing my capture files through PIPP speeds it up a lot and greatly reduces the number of hangs when stacking, the pre-alignment helps a lot.

That may be it, although some processing had been applied to the saved image.

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Isn't there an "apply all" button in registax that needs to be pressed before saving?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

If you mean "Do All" yeah I press that, seems like it might be Preview that has the issue, paint opened the image with no problems.

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