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c9.25 first light 32 panel mosaic 4/10/14


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spent most the night messing with the new toy most of it failing to set up an oag for the deep stuff, so plugged in the skyris 445 and aimed at the moon (should do it more often than I do), must say liking this 9.25 a lot better than the skymax 180 that I have after one night

32 panes, only 200 frames per pane (tired and in a rush for bed)

skyris 445

mosaic in ICE

sharpened and processed in ps cs6

thanks for looking


15261726777_7f797f64a5_h.jpgmoon 4/10/14 by sooot22, on Flickr'

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That's a very good image, glad you got something decent in the bag after your oag troubles.

These oag's sound a pain to setup, I might try a separate guide scope with my C8 Edge and see how well these new primary mirror locks on the Edge work?

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Great first light for the 9.25, Craig :laugh: I love using my 8 inch SCT for lunar, though I need to blow the dust off it! Hoping to get going again this winter on lunar...

I used to use an OAG with a C11, it was a right pain getting it going for the first time, but once you crack it, it's much easier :) I made some pencil marks somewhere (I think on the guide camera) to mark how far things had to go in once I found where the focus was.

I used an OAG after trying a side by side guide scope that I had problems with, never really figured out what the problem was with the guide scope, the OAG seemed to work better for me.

Good luck nailing it.

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Cheers luke. I had it set up on a glob star in the guide cam but it was more of an oval blob. Phd graph looked like inside a sharks mouth and kept jumping off the blob. As for setting up in daytime how lol the two cameas over expose on the shortest sub length. Id rather shove my guide scope on but have read the problems

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