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Another M52 + NGC7635 sorry


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Shot this over 2 nights last week, colours maybe a bit strong for some but it does highlight the Ha content.

AZEQ6 Altair Astro 80EDT, 1 x Planostar flattner

Atik 314L+

Ha - 180 mins

R x 25 mins

G x 25 mins 

x 30 mins All unbinned

Guided with PHD2 + EQMod DSS + PS


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Thanks Cosmic, Sara,Bunny.

I was a bit hesitant to post as maybe the stars could do with a little more data.

The Bubble was a mix of 4 x 1200 Ha subs and the remainder being 300 secs, i was after the gassy 'mountain' range below it as in your image Sara, on a smaller scale of course :grin:

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Thank you to everyone.

Typing error above apologies, it's meant to be R & G - 25 mins each channel & B - 30 mins.

I used the Ha as Luminance blended using Lighten not Luminocity this time, i think it helped give that 'glow' around the Bubble.

A really simple thing i tried in PS using Noel's Actions was to select brighter stars & reduce the Brightness.

I did several iterations of Levels + Curves on both images, more so on the Ha image, using Dave Smith's High Pass sharpening technique with a star mask works great on getting detail to show (thanks Dave).

I may add some more longer Ha sub's while i am waiting for my next project to pop into view.

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I'd describe the colour as quite subdued, as is often the case if you use Ha as luminance. It certainly isn't over the top. I prefer to use Ha in blend mode lighten appled to red. 

Good focus to resolve the Bubble nicely in a small aperture.

While many people tend to clip back the black point too hard, I wonder if this might not develop a bit more bite if you took a couple of points off the black in the Levels? I'm not sure.

I think your stars have plenty of data. The main problem with stars is having too much, causing them to get over-exposed white cores. The real problem, especially in adding Ha, is keeping them looking good. This is the advantage of adding Ha to red in Lighten. It scarecly affects the stars.

Good result.


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Thanks to Martin,Gav,Christopher,Marvaz,Ginger,Guy & Olly.

I trust all your opinions in that the result was a good one.

The apology was just in case folks were a bit bubbled-out as it were :smiley:

I do have a data set of L subs but after giving them a quick process in PS they didn't add that much, if anything, to the final shot so i will not be using them.

Sometimes i stack all the subs together in DSS & use that as a Luminance channel but this time they seemed to just stack into a real mess so that was a no-go.

Ordinarily i would layer in PS using the Screen blend but Lighten gave a much better, smoother final this time so stuck with that, i went through every blend mode + percentages of opacity to try & get something different as well.

When the likes of Olly, Freddie & Sara say gentle stretches using levels & curves it really does mean gentle, i processed this three times & pigged-eared each one so left it & did it this morning after a rethink.

There is a lot more Ha in there than what i have revealed so i may give that a try in a bit & post it up if that's ok.

Anyway hope some of you manage to get out tonight & have fun.



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