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I Leica my new zoom ;-)


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I nearly bought a used one of these a little while ago but it didn't quite come off. Finally ordered a new one from APM after selling some other kit and it arrived about a week earlier than expected :-)


Finances have dictated that I take a step back from Ha observing for a little while so I sold the PST and TV76 as I'm getting much more use and enjoyment out of the 85/Herschel Wedge combination currently. I'm also unlikely to go abroad anywhere I can use the scope so have less need for the 76. That has allowed me to buy the Leica new, and it looks lovely.

From my brief experience of the used one I tried out on the sun before, it should be stunning and will potentially replace some other ep's but I will evaluate it first. My current favourites for white light are the 12.5mm BGO and the 9mm if conditions are good. Will be interesting to compare them directly with the zoom.

Looking forward to getting it in the Vixen with the T2 Zeiss prism too. x75 to x150 as standard and x150 to x300 with the Baader VIP Barlow, should cover most bases for planetary and high power targets, and I have the Ethoi and 31t5 for lower power targets.

Will update further once I have had a chance to try it out.

This just about completes the crazy kit journey I have been on for the last year or so. When funds allow, I will buy either a Lunt 50 or Daystar Quark, plus probably something like a TV60 but those won't be until next year sometime once Mrs Maksutov returns to work and eases the finances a little :-)



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he he TEASER! :D

grats on acquiring one! have only heard good things about this EP.Dave aka F15Rules has one and is mightly impressed with it.Actually he is so impressed that he sold all his other eye pieces  :Envy:  can it be so good?????

The Leica is good,but has some "quirks" to it.I won't be replacing all my other EP's because of it for sure.

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I still have good coverage of Plossls, orthos and a nag zoom for high power, plus 13, 17, 21 ethos and 31t5 for widefield, won't be getting rid of any of those (hopefully)

What would you say the quirks are Gerry?

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Many congratulations Stu on the new zoom, looks tempting but I think I would like to see one first before off-loading all my Televues. I have only just got internet back after a storm to end all storms, what is it with the weather this year, peolpe are getting killed her, so far I have only got wet.

Hope you will do a report on it when the clouds clear.


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The biggest 'flaw' that I've found is the Edge of Field Brightness at the low to mid power ranges, its strange though as it doesn't seem to happen all the time for me? I also only really notice this with my f/4.5.

For me this EOFB just won't cut it when I'm looking at galaxies, its too distracting. 

I've decided that the Baader VIP x1.5 (at least) lives in the Leica when using it with my 16" and it works very well at high powers from around 11mm to well ridiculously high powers! I also use a Paracorr with my 16".

In my f/6.3 the Leica really is excellent and the only EP I use in that scope, any EOFB is slight and not really noticeable TBH not worth talking about.

I seriously love the Leica + Baader VIP in my f/6.3, its like using a XW but through all the focal ranges however I wouldn't buy it solely to use in a fast scope for DSO's.

I've no regrets whatsoever in buying it even after finding these flaws I'm sure you'll love it in your scopes Stu I think they are well suited for the Leica. :)

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Mike, that's my understanding abut it too in fast scopes,  no problems in my present slowish scopes. I may need to be prepared if I'm going to get a faster scope.

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Congratulations Stu  :smiley:

I have so nearly bought one of these a number of times over the past 12 months but I'm just not 100% convinced that it can fully replace a significant number of my eyepieces in every respect, especially with my 12" dob, which it would have to for me to justify the cost.

So I'm still on the fence  :undecided:

I'll be very interested to hear your views on the eyepiece though as you gain experience with it  :smiley:

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The biggest 'flaw' that I've found is the Edge of Field Brightness at the low to mid power ranges, its strange though as it doesn't seem to happen all the time for me? I also only really notice this with my f/4.5.

For me this EOFB just won't cut it when I'm looking at galaxies, its too distracting.

I've decided that the Baader VIP x1.5 (at least) lives in the Leica when using it with my 16" and it works very well at high powers from around 11mm to well ridiculously high powers! I also use a Paracorr with my 16".

In my f/6.3 the Leica really is excellent and the only EP I use in that scope, any EOFB is slight and not really noticeable TBH not worth talking about.

I seriously love the Leica + Baader VIP in my f/6.3, its like using a XW but through all the focal ranges however I wouldn't buy it solely to use in a fast scope for DSO's.

I've no regrets whatsoever in buying it even after finding these flaws I'm sure you'll love it in your scopes Stu I think they are well suited for the Leica. :)

Thanks very much Mike. The Edge of Field Brightness was the one I had read about. My fracs are all above f6 with the exception of the Genesis but I doubt I will use it with that. Even the dob is f6 but again I have other eyepieces which work well in there.

I have the Baader VIP Barlow too and find it excellent. Have you noticed any issues with astigmatism when using it at x1.5? I had read that it could be an issue?

I will likely often use the Leica with the x2 Barlow in the Vixen to get those high power views. As you say, I think it is very well suited to my fracs.

Will post more pics soon and report first light, which is most likely to be in the TV85.



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Keep the pics coming, Stu! And we expect to see the insides too :p

Quark or Lunt 50 with your lovely fracs?

I wouldn't Quark have a clue Quark which one Quark to pick Quark. :grin:

I'm certainly heading towards the Quark Luke, with a nice TV60 to put it in.


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Congratulations Stu :smiley:

I have so nearly bought one of these a number of times over the past 12 months but I'm just not 100% convinced that it can fully replace a significant number of my eyepieces in every respect, especially with my 12" dob, which it would have to for me to justify the cost.

So I'm still on the fence :undecided:

I'll be very interested to hear your views on the eyepiece though as you gain experience with it :smiley:

I try not to think about all the lovely eyepieces I've sold recently, but it has enabled me to buy some lovely scopes. I have also realised how much I love using the smaller orthos and 24mm Pan on the giro mounts, just so convenient and sharp.

I'll try the Leica in the dob John, I expect the result would be similar to your f5.3 so will keep you posted.


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Thanks very much Mike. The Edge of Field Brightness was the one I had read about. My fracs are all above f6 with the exception of the Genesis but I doubt I will use it with that. Even the dob is f6 but again I have other eyepieces which work well in there.

I have the Baader VIP Barlow too and find it excellent. Have you noticed any issues with astigmatism when using it at x1.5? I had read that it could be an issue?

I will likely often use the Leica with the x2 Barlow in the Vixen to get those high power views. As you say, I think it is very well suited to my fracs.

Will post more pics soon and report first light, which is most likely to be in the TV85.



At home I only really observe lunar and planets and skip DSO's because of LP, so I'm using fairly high powers and no I haven't noticed astigmatism at high power, at low power yes its a there but very slight and not enough to bother me. Thats in the f/6.3.

The x1.5 VIP pretty much gets rid of astigamsim in the f/4.5 but its only really noticeable at the 17.8mm end, that EOFB is 'sometimes' noticeable with the x1.5 though.

Like I said Stu I'm sure you'll love it in your scopes.....Put it this way, you could line up Delos/Ethos/XW's and say take your pic to complete a complete focal range for high powers OR have a Leica ASPH with VIP..........I would take the Leica VIP combo no questions!!  

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Thanks Mike. Can't wait to give it a go.

Here are the pics.... At my parents this evening so apologies for the lack of brown carpet ;-)





I have both the 1.25 and 2" adaptors so I can use it in my Herschel Wedge and with my Zeiss prisms


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I notice distortion makes splitting stars hard when off axis(native) and also the EOFB,which to me is very noticeable native and better controlled with the barlow.The astigmatism present is also controlled or hidden by the barlow as well.

This eyepiece does provide excellent planetary and solar views,it is in my 120ED as I write.It won't replace my widefields or my Nagler zoom,the jury is out on the Delos.

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I notice distortion makes splitting stars hard when off axis(native) and also the EOFB,which to me is very noticeable native and better controlled with the barlow.The astigmatism present is also controlled or hidden by the barlow as well.

This eyepiece does provide excellent planetary and solar views,it is in my 120ED as I write.It won't replace my widefields or my Nagler zoom,the jury is out on the Delos.

Thanks Gerry. I agree re widefield a and Nag zoom, they are not going anywhere :-)

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Stu,I forgot to tell you congratulations!My apologies and congrats :smiley:! .The solar view was excellent today with the Leica and I am amazed at the view of Saturn and the moon with this EP.M82,M57,M13 etc are fantastic with this thing and the stark contrast it provides.M82 in the 10"/LZ shows great structure for this aperture,from dark skies.

I am eagerly waiting some reports!

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the jury is out on the Delos.

What Delos are you comparing the LZ to Gerry? I'II be interested to hear your thoughts anyway...

I wish I still had my 10mm Delos to compare the LZ with. I decided on 12mm/17mm T4 Naglers for my mid range, the 12mm gives a 2.3mm exit pupil but a 10mm Delos would give me 1.9mm which would cover most bases for galaxy hunting next spring, I just haven't spent enough time on galaxies with the LZ to make my mind up whether it will make the grade for galaxies. 

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