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Dark Sky Site


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Just spent the weekend in Ty Newydd Camp Site located in Aberdaron, North West Wales.  If any one is after dark skies in an isolated location but with all the trimmings you want from a modern camp site look no further.  I've listed a few pro's and cons below for info;



  • Set on the NW peninsula of Wales this gem of a camp site faces directly out towards the Irish Sea.  It gives clear unrestricted views of the Southern horizon with no shipping lanes, light houses and zero glow from street lighting
  • The nearest small village is a few miles away in Aberdaron and is located snuggled away in a bay extinguishing any minimal light source.  However, all street lighting is negligible and any in operation are low emission LED.  The camp site itself is virtually total blackout less lights from tents but even these are snuffed out post 2300 (ish)
  • The park is very spacious allowing easy berth for large tents/caravans etc


  • Full amenities are available i.e. electric hook up, WC, Cafe, fresh water resup etc.  
  • Pitches cost £11.00 for smaller berths and £13.00 for 6 - 8 man berth per night.  You can ad £2.00 on per 24hrs unlimited electricity supply


I brought along a fairly portable set up in the form of my SW 80ED Pro, HEQ5 and a set of Helios 10x50 Binos.  I was mainly interested in DSO's and teaching myself a little bit more Astro Nav as I,m still a little wet behind the ears.  The views were absolutely the best I have seen in the UK.  With the naked eye alone I could split the Milky Way from Deneb in the Northern Cross all the way to Ophiuchus and beyond.  The list below gives some (but not all!) the objects I managed to view;

Viewed using ED80 with 21 - 7mm SW Zoom EP

  • M8, M11, M13, M20, M21, M26, M29,
  • NGC6664, NGC6604, NGC 6544, NGC 6553.

Above are to name but a few and the detail on all but the faintest was spectacular.  On the binos star hoping was effortless and sweeping through the rich star fields of the milky way I was dizzied by the amount of faint fuzzy's I came across.  What a pleasure.

During both nights there wasn't a single disturbance from stray flashes of head torches or interior vehicle lights etc.  When I say dark I mean dark!  I wasn't doing much AP but it was evident that the camp site was well suited


Absolutely zero! (unless the UK weather raises its ugly head)


For anyone planning an individual outing or a group intent on a star party you really should consider this gem of a location.  I for one will be going back in July this year.


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I've not booked a holiday this year, so thinking maybe hire a campervan and head there.

Out of interest I ran the "Need Less" simulator over the area and it said LVM 7.75 and Bortle 1

I think I'll look up the cost of campervan hire for one.

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