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Err....Wow! Leica ASPH and the Sun today!

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So, a couple more additions/changes to the setup and I am now genuinely there!

I picked up an ex demo Ercole for a very reasonable price which arrived yesterday. I also finally got the Leica ASPH zoom, on test currently but hopefully it will join the gang very soon.

The reason for the wow, is the performance of the Leica zoom. I have just had my best ever white light views using this lens with the TV85 and the Continuum filter. The transmission and contrast are amazing, with faculae and granulation showing very clearly. The two large AR's heading off the disk are surrounded by faculae and look stunning, almost 3D! The ability to zoom for a wider view, or for close up detail is great, and at the 8.9mm setting I get a 1.1 degree field at x67, very nice.

So, here is the final, final iteration of this kit ;-). I do feel that slimming down the collection in order to buy the Vixen and the Leica has been worthwhile, can't wait for some night time views.




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Thanks Chris :-).

I have sacrificed some very lovely Delos and Radian eyepieces at the altar of the great Leica, so am pleased/relieved that it is as good as expected! :-)


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Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the Leica at night time Stu.

In my scopes it works amazingly well in the f/4.5 from 13mm / 5mm but in my OOUK its very XW like even from low power up to 5mm, its a one stop shop for planetary observing. I know you said a while ago that you didn't think its suited to newts but in your f/6 I think you'll be surprised and I can guarantee you won't retreat selling your XW's and Delos off. :)

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Very nice new set-up. Been looking at the sun in white light in a rather more downmarket zoom, and been impressed both in white light (stunning in the APM 80mm F/6), and H-alpha. The Leica will not have the few minor imperfections I have found, so at some point in the (distant) future I might migrate to it. What is the eye relief of the Leica? All I have seen is "suitable for people with glasses, but I have been disappointed on that score before.

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Very nice new set-up. Been looking at the sun in white light in a rather more downmarket zoom, and been impressed both in white light (stunning in the APM 80mm F/6), and H-alpha. The Leica will not have the few minor imperfections I have found, so at some point in the (distant) future I might migrate to it. What is the eye relief of the Leica? All I have seen is "suitable for people with glasses, but I have been disappointed on that score before.

I believe it is 18mm, as referred to in this link.


It certainly feels quite comfortable, I have been extended the eye guard to help cut down reflections and position my eye correctly

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Can I ask what might be a silly question ?

I don't know a great deal about white light or Ha solar viewing although I've done a little of both on and off. 

Are sophisticated eyepieces really beneficial for this branch of the hobby ?.

When I had a PST I used a Baader 8-24 zoom with it which worked well as long as you kept within the "sweet spot" of the scope. I also tried more expensive eyepieces and some simple plossls and, to my eyes at least, I could not see any improvement to the views I was getting. I ended up selling off the zoom and just using a couple of low cost plossls which seemed to deliver views as good as the scope could muster.

With white light viewing I found something similar using a Kendrick full aperture filter with my ED120 refractor. My Ethos and Pentax XWQ's didn't seem to provide any benefits over much simpler and lower cost eyepieces whereas they do make a very noticeable difference in nighttime viewing.

Maybe it's my relative lack of experience in viewing the Sun that's keeping me from seeing the benefits of the better quality eyepieces ?

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I generally use my XW7 and 10 with the Pronto for white light viewing. I don't know if they offer any better views but I don't have any other eyepieces with the same combination of focal length and eye relief, so I just use what I've got.

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Can I ask what might be a silly question ?

I don't know a great deal about white light or Ha solar viewing although I've done a little of both on and off.

Are sophisticated eyepieces really beneficial for this branch of the hobby ?.

When I had a PST I used a Baader 8-24 zoom with it which worked well as long as you kept within the "sweet spot" of the scope. I also tried more expensive eyepieces and some simple plossls and, to my eyes at least, I could not see any improvement to the views I was getting. I ended up selling off the zoom and just using a couple of low cost plossls which seemed to deliver views as good as the scope could muster.

With white light viewing I found something similar using a Kendrick full aperture filter with my ED120 refractor. My Ethos and Pentax XWQ's didn't seem to provide any benefits over much simpler and lower cost eyepieces whereas they do make a very noticeable difference in nighttime viewing.

Maybe it's my relative lack of experience in viewing the Sun that's keeping me from seeing the benefits of the better quality eyepieces ?

Not silly at all John. I didn't specifically target the Leica for solar observing, but did think it might be a good option.

I normally use either a TV 11mm Plossl or 9 or 12.5mm BGO/Hutechs, completely in line with your thinking. The simple eyepieces do work very well and are nice and sharp with well controlled scatter.

I had read very good things about the Leica, and, although I have not done anything like a side by side comparison, first impressions are that it performs beautifully. The transmission and contrast are excellent, and having zoom, wide field and good eye relief all add up to a very nice experience. The views of granulation and faculae are clearer than I have seen before in this scope (any scope). The only negative so far are some reflections of the eye lens, but shielding with my hand and raising the eye guard generally eliminates this.

I will try to do a better comparison soon.

Hope that helps?


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Can I ask what might be a silly question ?

I don't know a great deal about white light or Ha solar viewing although I've done a little of both on and off. 

Are sophisticated eyepieces really beneficial for this branch of the hobby ?.

When I had a PST I used a Baader 8-24 zoom with it which worked well as long as you kept within the "sweet spot" of the scope. I also tried more expensive eyepieces and some simple plossls and, to my eyes at least, I could not see any improvement to the views I was getting. I ended up selling off the zoom and just using a couple of low cost plossls which seemed to deliver views as good as the scope could muster.

With white light viewing I found something similar using a Kendrick full aperture filter with my ED120 refractor. My Ethos and Pentax XWQ's didn't seem to provide any benefits over much simpler and lower cost eyepieces whereas they do make a very noticeable difference in nighttime viewing.

Maybe it's my relative lack of experience in viewing the Sun that's keeping me from seeing the benefits of the better quality eyepieces ?

My LS35 has a bigger sweet spot than the PST, but you do not need a very wide-angle EP. Furthermore, chromatic correction is a non-issue in H-alpha. Good control of internal reflections is important however. That is where really cheap EPs can fall down, and this is where the Delos 8mm edges out the XF8.5mm (but not the XWs) on the sun. Point sources like stars are much more unforgiving than extended sources for showing up aberrations. Many a binocular that seems fine in daylight, an impresses on the moon, fails miserably on the stars.

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Just did a very quick check vs the 12.5mm Ortho at roughly the same magnification.

I just looked at one particular area of small spots and faculae. At worst, the Leica matched the Ortho, and I actually think it showed the faculae more clearly. More detail to come of course, this was just a quick look.


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Stu what a wonderful set - TV85 Frac + Leica zoom - dream machine.

I decided to buy a Pentax zoom and the views through the PST are giving me the best views. Yesterday I used the Pentax with the Herschel Wedge + Continuum filter again very sharp and excellent contrast.

The other night the Pentax was used on the 180mm Mak/Cass - great views of Saturn, Moon and several double stars.

Zooms have always had a bad press when compared to individual EPs - I think we might need to rethink this opinion especially when you also consider the convenience position.

Look forward to your review of the Leica on the night sky.

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Stu what a wonderful set - TV85 Frac + Leica zoom - dream machine.

I decided to buy a Pentax zoom and the views through the PST are giving me the best views. Yesterday I used the Pentax with the Herschel Wedge + Continuum filter again very sharp and excellent contrast.

The other night the Pentax was used on the 180mm Mak/Cass - great views of Saturn, Moon and several double stars.

Zooms have always had a bad press when compared to individual EPs - I think we might need to rethink this opinion especially when you also consider the convenience position.

Look forward to your review of the Leica on the night sky.

It does work rather well as a pairing I must say :-). I've been working towards this for some time and it has finally come together. I definitely think the premium zooms have something to offer. The Leica has very good eye relief and fov so you are not really compromising as you normally have to - 80 degrees fov at the high mags is great!

One slight disappointment is the it would not come to focus in the PST, unlike your Pentax. I will experiment with the VIP Barlow and see if that helps, might still be ok if I can use in x1.5 mode.

The Pentax looks very nice too, if it is as good as the XW's them you can't go wrong, they are lovely ep's

Depending on what this cloud does, I may get a peak at the moon and possibly try a couple of doubles with it.


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I know Rob (Qualia) always thought I was crazy using a 10mm Delos in my Herschel wedge :-) and, I believe, is a firm believer in simple orthos for solar observing

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I know Rob (Qualia) always thought I was crazy using a 10mm Delos in my Herschel wedge :-) and, I believe, is a firm believer in simple orthos for solar observing

I used to put my 13mm Ethos in my PST - it did look rather silly though !  :smiley:

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I just talked to Markus and then to Customs,Leica has been cleared and has shipped from Toronto yesterday,this is fast service,all the way around.

Years ago lost/delayed shipments were an issue,but things seem to have improved a lot,thankfully.I am gaining more confidence in ordering another scope from UK/Europe-the OOUK transaction was very smooth.

The Leica will have a good solar test when competing with the 12.5mm Tak ortho,that ortho seems to have less scatter and is sharper than the KK's by a small bit.Anyway I'm happy for Stu that his new EP is working so well for him and I can't wait for more reports

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