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stupid question alert!

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hello everyone today i purchased from flo a skywatcher heritage 100p and as im interested in the moon the stupid question is will a moon map purchase be silly as the scope size means i wont see many objects on the map . told ya a stupid q lol



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No question is stupid (well do I really need to take the end cap off, might be a little)  ;)

Isn't stupid, just a little cautious, also there have been more posts of "I left the end cap on" then "Do I take it off?" :eek: :eek:

Map is good, helps work out what you are looking at.and identify the assorted things you see.

May as well look for and tick off some of the main items.

You may want a moon filter, looking at a nice full moon tends to leave a residual image on the eye when you look away. No harm but you can see nothing other then a pretend moon for about 30 seconds not matter where you look. Great fun. :grin: :grin: :grin:

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I agree with all of the above - get a map - that way you get get yourself familiar with everrything before you even get to the scope. With the map you will be able to make a list of to do's. that way you don't waste a lot of time jsut looking at whatever you come across.

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As Scott says a partially lit moon can reveal more features particularly if you concentrate on the region near the terminator. The sun can cast some quite dramatic shadows in this region. Absolutely no harm in arming yourself with a map.

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One thing to remember is that the view through your scope is probably going to be flipped, depending on your setup. There are moon maps available though that shows both views ie. How the moon actually appears & how it will look when viewed through your scope.

A moon filter is definitely a good idea too for any prolonged viewing. After about half an hour studying the moon I walked into the shed while suffering from temporary 'moon blindness' :D

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You will be surprised at how much crater detail you will see with a 100mm telescope, enjoy it, if you get a moon filter, dont get one of the dark green ones, try for a ND96 filter

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thanks again for all the replies and great advice  . :grin: i have seen that its best to  get a laminated moon map . sorry for babbling still excited about scope e hyper when it gets here :Envy: 


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