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Which OSX are you using?


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For anyone that maybe considering upgrading to OS X Yosemite next month, I have been trialling the beta version on a 2010 MacBook Pro and can report all is working well. Nebulosity, PHD, Equinox Pro and AstroPlanner. I'm also running Parallels 10 with Windows 7 duel installed and that works seamlessly, allowing me to use EQMOD and AstroTortilla.

Astro software aside, Yosemite seems fully functional and no glitches noticed, despite being a beta version. Only issue is iCloud Drive non-compatibility with Mavericks and IOS7, meaning you have to stick with the current iCloud service if any of your apple products are running on a legacy OS, and how long will it be before they stop supporting it? Time to upgrade my iPhone 4 I think, so I can upgrade to IOS8 and transfer everything to the new iCloud service.

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Apparently the SBIG drivers don't work on Yosemite so I won't upgrade until they do. As I'm using TheSkyX pro for everything (AP900GTO mount, SBIG STF-8300M  camera, RoboFocus , FLI filter wheel, Pyxis 2 rotator, plate solving, ...) I'll just wait for Software Bisque to give us the green light for Yosemite. I still use PHD for the guiding as I use IIDC firewire cameras for this (and planetary imaging using Astro IIDC).

Regards, Rodolphe

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The 10.9 update made no difference to the GPU issues with OpenCL.. I think it's a AMD OpenCL optimiser issue.. they're looking into it.. If I make one change in the OpenCL kernel.. and the things works or doesn't work.. that to me sounds fishy..

Apparently the SBIG drivers don't work on Yosemite so I won't upgrade until they do. As I'm using TheSkyX pro for everything (AP900GTO mount, SBIG STF-8300M  camera, RoboFocus , FLI filter wheel, Pyxis 2 rotator, plate solving, ...) I'll just wait for Software Bisque to give us the green light for Yosemite. I still use PHD for the guiding as I use IIDC firewire cameras for this (and planetary imaging using Astro IIDC).

Regards, Rodolphe

Hmm.. looks at 10.9 desktop.. looks at ATIK camera plugged in.. looks ok so far:


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@NickK, Yosemite = 10.10 

10.9 (Mavericks) works fine for me with TheSkyX Pro and my SBIG camera (not to say that what you did for the Atik is not impressive and more than welcome for OS X users).

Regards, Rodolphe

Good point..  it's was way past my bedtime!  :confused4:

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@NickK : me too apparently : "what you did for the Atik is not impressive" should have been "what you did for the Atik is  impressive" ... like yea .. I should read twice before hitting the post button :)

Keep up the good work, who know I might get an Atik cam one day :)

Regards, Rodolphe

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Mavericks on my iMac i5/16G  late 2013 and on my Macbook Pro i7/16G Late 2011.  Runs great.  Does not run so great on my Macbook Late 2008 Core2Duo/4G and I may downgrade back to Snow Leopard on that machine.  I don't use any Mac for astro capture  (Win7 PC for that) but do run Pixinsight on the iMac for post processing.

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Well I'm one of the 18% still creaking around with Snow Leopard, and proud of it  :grin:

I used to be fanatical about upgrading to the latest version of everything going but simply can't be bothered anymore. Maybe it's the start of my slow decline into being a grumpy old man.

There's always one :D

Actually, the feeling I'm getting is that many of those who can have moved to Mavericks, leaving behind a small number who dare not for compatibility reasons or because they're concerned about their system not being up to it.  And then there are a whole bunch still on Snow Leopard because they're pretty much stuck there anyhow (though I think Lion does support 32-bit if they wanted it?  Not sure about that.)


I am using an iBook G4 (PPC) running Tiger' 10.4...
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the problem from a developer point of view is that the support in development tools only goes back a couple of releases with the old hardware and interfaces being actively removed by apple. Hence a 10.9 development tool (Xcode) will not build for 10.6.8 etc. The only way to support old releases like 10.6.8 is either (a) have/maintain old hardware and the development tool.. knowing that any bugs in the tool etc will not be fixed - or - ( B) use a virtual machine to run the old OSX+xcode which has other problems such as licensing and dodgy hacks to get to work making it just as much of a PITA.

I have an old C2D mini.. with 10.6.8 and 10.9 dual booting as the hardware supports the old version. I assume that with 10.10 I'll loose the ability to upgrade sooner or later. The main dev machine is a MBP i7.. so that's ok for a few releases yet but can't compile for 10.6.8..

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Well 10.6.8 is the last OSX to support Rosetta so I run that in a virtual machine on my i7 MBP. It's totally legit to run snow leopard server on a virtual machine so long as it's on a Mac and you own the license. Non server versions require you to trick the vm into thinking it is server version to make it work. Installing old versions of OS X dual boot on new hardware requires you to hack the OS X install files though which is indeed a bit dodgy and you end up with a hackintosh.

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