I've tested the RG-11 from Hydreon and that's what I have on my observatory (it's also what NexDome sale with their controller) : https://rainsensors.com/
I have it configured for Mode 1 , "it's raining" using the dip switches inside (detailed in the doc too) :
1 - off
2 - off
3 - on
4 - off
5 - on
6 - off
7 - off
8 - off
1,2 off = Very sensitive-- first detected raindrop
3 on = Output Monostable Extended by 15 minutes so that it doesn’t do a close, open, close, open, .. dance and wait 15 minutes (aka stays closed for 15 minutes).
4 off = no dark detect .. we’re trying to detect rain … not when it’s dark.
5,6,7 = mode select = mode 1, it’s raining.
8 off = Disable Micro-power Sleep Mode, leave internal heater on -> prevents dew.