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My first sketch attempt


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Hi everyone

Had a crack at M13 last night through an 18mm BST Explorer.

Very tricky making sense of all those stars in the middle. I could see them with averted vision but not clearly enough to fill in detail so the cluster itself is pretty much just a smudge. Sure I'll get used to it.

I have a blending stump and various pencils but ended up just using a 5B, my finger, and a putty eraser.

It was really enjoyable. Took a photo of it and inverted it in photoshop. 




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Thanks mate, I really, really enjoyed doing it. Felt like I was enjoying looking at it more than when imaging with cameras.

Heard some one else say they feel like they take more of it in by sketching. 

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Nice sketch mate, M13 is a tricky object to sketch, there is so much detail that you can get lost easily.  It's all a matter of taking your time finishing when you are satisfied.

I have sketched a number of deep-sky objects in the past and you will get better with practice.

Well done.

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really lovely effort. I like sketching too but other than the sun have not really managed (or attempted) anything so detailed. I tend to use sketches to confirm what I think I see and I suppose we can all do what we want :grin:

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Nice sketch. I stand in awe of anyone who can make a reasonable drawing of DSOs!

Mine remain rather basic at the moment - noting the position of the fuzzy in the star field, brighter/darker regions etc. I too haven't done much detailed sketching.

Really trying with Mars and Saturn at the moment. Slowly improving. I do take more in when sketching as I observe for longer, and remember where each bit goes, the sizes, shapes, etc. for drawing it up. It seems to stay in my memory longer and I notice when something has changed which wasn't there before. Going to be trying some filter work as well this coming week (hopefully!).

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Lovely sketch. I agree with sandraj above that sketching helps with observing. You pick out more detail with the eyes than otherwise. Or maybe it just helps me to be more patient with observing :-)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • 1 month later...

Nice one! I've just got myself some black paper sketch pads and white and grey pencils to try my hand at sketches as Art is one of the things I enjoy doing! so I thought why not combine two of my favourite things! I think it also helps to slow your observing down and really look :) Thanks for sharing I think the sketch is great :)

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